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C-130 Hercules Landing in Gilgandra

C-130 Hercules Landing in Gilgandra

Sun 07 Jul 2024, 12:00 AM - 2:30 AM

Join us in celebrating NAIDOC Week by coming along to see the C-130 Hercules touch down in Gilgandra!

When: Sunday 7th July 2024

Where: Gilgandra Aerodrome, Middleton Memorial Drive, Gilgandra

Time: 10:30am - 12:30pm

Bring the family along for a tour of the C-130 Hercules, sit in the pilot seat and talk with members of the Australian Defence Force.

Sausage sizzle will be provided.

The Hercules is scheduled to fly over the airfield at 10am, before landing and being ready for tours at 10:30am.

This is one plane, you won't want to miss.