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Shine Online Tourism Workshop

Shine Online Tourism Workshop

Wed 22 Mar 2023, 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Get ready Lightning Ridge! Central NSW Business HQ is heading your way to deliver a live workshop to help grow your business.

Date: Wednesday 22nd March 2023

Time: 6pm - 7:30pm (refreshments provided)

Venue: Lightning Ridge District Bowling Club

Want to save time on marketing?

Not sure how or where people are finding you?

Looking for more customers?

If your customers are tourists - then this workshop is for you!

The workshop will cover:

  • Where are visitors/potential visitors research and plan their trip
  • Where can you be found online? How to make the most of FREE marketing opportunities
  • Highlighting your unique selling points through your description and images
  • Time-saving tips for your online marketing
  • Working together as a community to promote each other

About your presenter Rebecca George - B.Business (Tourism Management & International Studies)

Rebecca has twenty years of experience in tourism and marketing. She owns a representation business and works with tourism products to help them promote their products within Australia and internationally.

This workshop can host a maximum of 20 people, so reserve your spot now!

In addition to the two group workshops Rebecca is also offering FREE one-on-one appointments and is available on the 22nd & 23rd March. She can help with:

•            Strategic planning / Developing a Business Plan

•            Product development

•            Understanding your Unique Value Proposition and using this to attract new/repeat clients

•            Creating and implementing an effective Sales and Marketing strategy

•            Working collaboratively to enhance the visitor experience, encourage longer stays and increase visitor spend

•            Creating a bookable experience

•            Yield management

•            Understanding seasonality

•            Grant submissions

•            Understanding commissions - Working with Wholesalers, Online Travel Agents (Expedia etc), Inbound tour operators

Email [email protected] to request an appointment.