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Western Plains App
Amigo's Castle

Amigo's Castle

A place that was built on real character

Opening Hours:

7 days

8:30am - 4:00pm

For the past 40 years Italian-Australian, Amigo has been building a 15 metre tall castle in Lightning Ridge. Comprised of more than 20,000 Einstein boulders, his hands have touched every single stone. Amigo has no building qualifications and didn't follow any plans, instinct was his only guide. Amigo's Castle has been designed and created one rock at a time.

Entry includes:

  • Full introductory speech
  • History of the castle
  • Local art gallery
  • Fossicking area
  • Listen to Amigo's story
  • Slideshow different stages of the castle getting built
  • Photo board

Follow the red car door tour number 9

(Eftpos available | Pet friendly)