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Jack Ayoub

Jack Ayoub

Candidate for the Parkes Electorate

I was born and raised in Coonabarabran, where I still live today. I lost both my parents by the time I was 18. My mum Sandra (a nurse) when I was 11, and my father Max (a builder) when I was 18. My dad, a son of Coonamble, taught me a great love and respect for Australia. We never had much and it was only because of the fundraiser of my country community that I was able to keep the house and go to university.

I’ve laboured on farms, worked in the very high school I attended myself in Coonabarabran, sung on the stage of the Opera House and was accepted into the Royal Military College Duntroon - although I ultimately decided it was not my place in the world. I now work as an Organiser for The Australian Workers Union, maintaining my family’s tradition of union membership.

I believe in regional people, I know the power of regional communities. It’s time we had someone who is brave enough to stand up for us all and put our case forward without fear nor favour. From domestic manufacturing to the investment of 20,000 new affordable houses across Australia, to giving aged care workers a pay rise that honors the work they do, the future for our region is brighter under a Labor government.