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A nod to passion and dedication of Nyngan nurse

Western Plains App

Angie White

01 June 2024, 7:40 AM

A nod to passion and dedication of Nyngan nurse

Local Nyngan Nurse Jacqui Chapman was recently named as a finalist in the Western NSW Local Health District (WNSWLHD) Nursing and Midwifery awards and recognised along with other recipients at a presentation dinner on 9 May.


The awards are a nod to the passion, dedication and significant contribution nurses and midwives provide to patients and communities across Western NSW.

Small communities would be lost without the amazing nurses that staff our hospitals.


In her nomination, Jacqui was acknowledged for consistently demonstrating the characteristic of a nursing leader, as well as being an all-rounder with nursing at the centre of her professional practice.


Jacqui’s role is developing leadership and capability within the WNSWLHD people and culture directorate and along with eight others was nominated for the award.


Jacqui was surprised to hear of her nomination but thrilled, nonetheless.


“I was honoured to be nominated for the award as a recognition of the passion I have for leadership in nursing.”


According to Jacqui’s nomination, “Her approachability, calm nature and rational approach assists others with working through challenges to ensure optimal outcomes.”


“Her ability to interact with other members of the (department) demonstrates her leadership talent,” according to Jacqui’s nominator.


“Jacqui is respectful and professional in her practice which always supports the delivery of safe and quality nursing care as well as the maintenance of a safe working environment for all staff. Jacqui models the concept that she wouldn’t ask a clinician to do something she wouldn’t do herself.”


“I’ve loved my nursing career,” says Jacqui. “I was Nurse Manager at Nyngan Hospital for 14 years. I then took up a district position in leadership and capability, providing in facility mentoring to new and emerging learners and managers in both rural and remote facilities and mental health drug and alcohol directorate.”


“It has been an amazing journey which I am most grateful for,” added Jacqui.


“All eight recipients of this year’s Nursing and Midwifery Awards were truly deserving,” said Adrian Fahy, WNSWLHD executive director quality, clinical safety and nursing, “I was thrilled to present them with their awards, as well as acknowledge all the nominees and those who received honourable mentions in each category.”


“As always, we were faced with the difficult task of selecting recipients in each category having received some wonderful nominations this year, but that’s a great problem to have.”


Mr. Fahy said the evening’s events celebrated the fantastic work of these exceptional staff but provided an opportunity to recognise all the dedicated and hardworking nurses and midwives in the region.

“In WNSWLHD, we employ more than 3300 nursing and midwifery staff, by far the greatest proportion of our workforce, and they work incredibly hard to deliver essential services in our hospitals, health centres and in community settings,” Mr. Fahy said.


The recipients from these local award categories will now be put forward as nominees for the state health excellence awards.


“I have a deep passion for leadership especially in rural and remote facilities in the northern sector. I look forward to many more years of looking after both patients and nursing staff in Western NSW,” added Jacqui.