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Bogans galore!

Western Plains App

Angie White

26 October 2022, 8:10 PM

Bogans galore!Visitors to Nyngan's Big Bogan Festival last weekend caught up with the icon himself.

There were Bogans galore on the streets of Nyngan on Saturday last as a crowd rolled into the town for the 2022 “Big Bogan” Festival. 


After the Bogan Shire Council were successful in their application for a Reconnecting Regional NSW – Community Events Program grant they made the decision to host a music festival with a difference, celebrating everything ‘Bogan” and they did not disappoint. 


With the assistance of former local resident and event planner Demi Jeffery, and dedicated staff at Bogan Shire Council, the team went about organising an event celebrating the towns much loved icon “The Big Bogan”, as well as a tongue in cheek nod to the good old Aussie Bogan who is part of everyday life in small country towns all over the land. 


The event saw some headline acts take to the stage such as James Johnston fresh off his appearance at 2022 CMC, Award winning songstress Christie Lamb, with outstanding performances from Melanie Dyer, Missy Lancaster, Hayley Jensen, Ben Ransom and Mickey Pye while the Local Willy Wagtail Boys were a crowd favourite. 

Taking off in the Dash for Cash.


The day commenced in front of the Big Bogan statue itself in the form of live music and a hotly contested “Best Bogan” competition which involved stringent requirements such as a mullet, blue shearers singlet, thongs, trackers, and a beer in hand or a dog even. 


The eventual winner for the Male Bogan was Les Dorrington with his trusty cattle dog by his side and his fishing rod at the ready, a few tattoos making him a replica of the big man himself. Jaidyn Wherritt came in second looking like a true ‘Bogan’. 


The Lady Bogan went to local Café owner Annie Wherritt who, along with her staff member Krista Williams, dove deep into character coming up trumps with first and second prize. 

Les Dorrington snared the prized title of Best Bogan for 2022.


Even the local kids got in on the act. Docky Burley received first place with Thomas Walsh second and Gracie Griffiths, from all reports looking a bit like her Pop, claimed first prize with Mia Hurst second, Ella Sheather took home the Baby Bogan Award. 


Recently Bogan Shire Council added a specially designed dog to the Big Bogan site and Mayor Glenn Neill took great pride in opening the Festival and announcing the new name.  


‘Rusty’ made his debut and was a popular decision amongst locals who were asked to nominate a name. After all, even a Bogan needs a best mate. 

A plethora of bogan winners.


From there it was off to Larkin oval where regional celebrity announcer Timmy Moses kept the event running along for the day with Nyngan Pony Club, Nyngan Show Society, Nyngan Netball Association with Tarsha Hawley and Nyngan Junior League holding fun events for the kids which proved very popular in spite of the rain showers that kept up all day, none of this seem to worry them. 


There were local market stalls and plenty of Big Bogan gear to take home, while the beer flowed freely and there was a great choice of food to be had. 


The Dash for Cash was won by Jak Jeffery and Petria Quarmby, with Noel Finn and Brad Webster taking first and second in the Bogan Show & Shine car and bike display. 

Rani Dunn - Ebony Martin - Harley Yeomans after running the the Dash for Cash 


Bogan Shire Council General Manager Derek Francis was very happy with the Festival. 


“The day was a big success especially when you take into account flooding, road closures and rain. Obviously, as a result, attendance numbers were down on what we would have liked but those who were able to make it really enjoyed themselves,” he said. 


“Thanks to the Nyngan Show Society and Nyngan Pony Club who did a wonderful job of entertaining the kids – some of whom even had great fun playing footy under the floodlights in the rain.” 

Music sensation Christie Lamb 


“It was great to see the loyal fans rewarded at the end of the day by an up close and personal performance at the Canteen with Christie Lamb and James Johnson who weren’t going to allow the rain to stop the show,” said Mr. Francis. 


“Council really appreciates the event funding from the NSW Government. I’d like to thank all our Shire staff for the work that they put in as well as Demi Jeffery who helped manage the event – and our Bogan Shire community for getting involved,” he said. 

The popular James Johnston


The final two artists had a slight change of plans as the deluge of rain damaged the stage which resulted in a move amongst the people, under the Canteen verandah, next to the Bar.  


To the excitement of the crowd, they were now up close and personal with two of Australia’s top country music stars and the final two sets were loud and proud as the Bogan revellers stomped, clapped and sang along.  


The final word on the day as the crowd shifted out the gate eleven hours later “If that’s what being a Bogan is, I am a Bogan and proud”. 


Well done Nyngan – a great community and a mighty community effort. 

Hayley Jensen wowing the crowd  

Helen Crosland was all smiles enjoying her day out at the Big Bogan Festival