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Brewarrina Shire to benefit from $43.5m upgrade

Western Plains App

Paula Doran

01 September 2024, 9:20 PM

Brewarrina Shire to benefit from $43.5m upgradeArtists impression of Brewarrina Main Street after $6 million transformation. All images supplied by Brewarrina Shire Council.

Brewarrina Shire Council is launching its most extensive program of works in the community’s history, investing more than $43.5 million to shape a vibrant and contemporary future in the region.

The schedule of works, including major developments, new facilities, transformations of public spaces, widespread road upgrades and infrastructure advancements will take place across Brewarrina, Goodooga, Weilmoringle, Gongolgon and many of places in between.

Shire Council General Manager David Kirby said the next 12 months would see the largest investment into the community the shire has ever experienced, which will be funded through a combination of Federal and State grants as well as through council's own funds.

“Many of these projects are underway or have been in the planning process for years. It’s extremely exciting to see some of the most significant public projects in more than thirty years come to life, with enhancements set to benefit the community for decades to come,” Mr Kirby said.

“One big element of our Main Street reactivation project is a transformative greening strategy through vast greenery and tree planting to not only significantly improve on the look of the area, but also naturally cool and shade the town centre, while also enhancing the natural biodiversity.”

“We’ve worked extremely hard to plan for and secure the required funding to reshape the future for our community," he said.

Brewarrina Shire Council General Manager, David Kirby. Image: Supplied.

“Our extensive program of works over the next 12 months and beyond will see the heart of the shire - the Brewarrina town centre - undergo a $6 million transformation into a vibrant, modern and inviting gathering place and hub, and the construction of an incredible $11 million youth and indoor sports centre.

"The extremely popular Four Mile Reserve on the river will also undergo $1.5 million redevelopment including a new pontoon jetty, amenities, roads and pathways. 

“Of huge significance to our First Nations people and important in helping our country acknowledge the past, we’ll be upgrading facilities at the Hospital Creek Memorial, including new seating, signage and parking, and at the Old Brewarrina Mission,” he said.

In addition, over $1.3 million is being invested in Goodooga, including building a new skate park, constructing new pathways from the Artesian baths into town, as well as enhancing the facilities at the recently completed Splash Park (artist's impression below). 

“Weilmoringle will also be getting almost two kilometres of new pathways throughout the community and improvements at the cemetery, totaling almost $1 million, while Gongolgon’s tennis courts will undergo a resurface and refurbishment,” added Mr Kirby. 

The next 12 months will see also more than $14.5 million in road upgrades, including heavy patching and resealing of the state highways, gravel resheeting across a number of roads in the network, and resealing and patching of town streets in Brewarrina and Goodooga, as well as work progressing on projects to widen sections of the Goodooga Road and construct and seal Jobs Gate Road. 

“New facilities such as the Youth Hub and Indoor Sports Centre, the skate park in Goodooga, refurbishment of the Weilmoringle tennis courts and our Get NSW Active strategy promote physical activity and social interaction, which are crucial for physical and mental well-being," said Mr Kirby.

“Upgrading road networks enhances mobility, improves safety, boosts tourism and facilitates easier access to jobs and services, contributing to economic growth.”

Goodooga Road looking west

Mr Kirby said the works at the Hospital Creek Memorial and old Brewarrina Mission are of huge significance to First Nations people and could help in acknowledging the past and support our commitment for walking together to build a better future for our whole community.

Other projects to get underway over the next year include: 

  • Construction of a new $4.5 million sewerage treatment plant in Brewarrina as well as a new water treatment plant at Yetta, and the completion of the Smart Water Meter rollout across Brewarrina and Goodooga 
  • A $200,000 redevelopment of the Brewarrina Waste Facility 
  • Refurbishments to Brewarrina’s Senior Citizens Building and Mobile Resource Room, worth $250,000 
  • Construction of new two-bedroom units on Bourke Street for staff accommodation 
  • A new $1.5 million Rural Fire Service Building 
  • More than $500,000 in facility upgrades at the Brewarrina, Goodooga and Weilmoringle cemeteries.