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Brewarrina shire's first Indigenous General Manager gets to work

Western Plains App

Urayne Warraweena

08 August 2022, 3:20 AM

Brewarrina shire's first Indigenous General Manager gets to workBrewarrina Shire Council's new GM David Kirby is the first Indigenous person to take on the role.

The Australian Government report on ‘Closing the Gap’ proposes a ‘new way forward, where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people share ownership, responsibility, and accountability to drive progress for current and future generations’.

While national and state governments investigate alternate strategies, the Brewarrina community has been experiencing is own version of progress and is clearly demonstrating the value of Indigenous inclusion, especially in leadership. 


Brewarrina Shire Council recently announced that it has just awarded the General Manager role to David Kirby, the first Indigenous man to hold the position. 

David is a proud Ngemba man who was born and raised in Brewarrina, and for many years he has worked as the councils Utilities and Maintenance manager who was responsible for overseeing much of Brewarrina’s infrastructure. 

He is stepping down as Chairman of the Brewarrina Local Aboriginal Lands Council to take up his new position.

“Brewarrina and its surrounding villages are extremely unique communities which have always prided themselves in community-based decision making," said Mr Kirby.

"Being part of this, growing up in Brewarrina especially, has really cemented the importance of this close-knit approach, and I think it is important to keep ongoing progress right across our LGA.”

With the nation focusing on relationships between government and the Indigenous community, Brewarrina is leading by example.

“I’m extremely humbled by the whole experience and I just hope I serve our communities well in the next 5 years," Mr Kirby said.

"I had the privilege of starting on Council under one of my biggest influences growing up my uncle and NSW’s first Aboriginal Mayor Edward (Teddy) Guy Simpson, and to now be the first Local Aboriginal GM really is one of my proudest moments."


Brewarrina is fast proving the benefits of Indigenous inclusion with the current elected Brewarrina Shire Council having a majority of Indigenous councillors and the organising boasting 75% Indigenous employment.

This represents some of the strongest statistics in Australia and we asked David how he saw Brewarrina progressing in the coming years.

“I think we all agree that Brewarrina punches well above its weight for a small rural Council, and I see my role as just keeping those wheels turning by focusing on new and innovative ways to progress Council, both economically and socially, leading to better outcomes for the whole of community.”