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Businesses struggle to get EFTPOS machines to process - Telstra woes in Gilgandra

Western Plains App

Paula Doran

01 February 2025, 8:20 PM

Businesses struggle to get EFTPOS machines to process - Telstra woes in GilgandraHayden Whiteman created a petition to highlight the coverage woes in Gilgandra. Image: Supplied.

Telstra says it’s moving as fast as it can to alleviate crippling congestion issues in Gilgandra.

Poor phone and data coverage has seen some business owners have to walk out on the streets to get their EFTPOS machines to function.

Telstra representatives say the problem is congestion, and not the wind down of the 3G network late last year.

Over 800 people have now signed a petition calling for urgent attention on the issue.

Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton said the situation in Gilgandra was completely unacceptable.“I understand the frustrations of the community.

“I’ve been in regular contact with Telstra and Gilgandra Shire Council about Gilgandra’s connectivity issues and have urged Telstra to investigate solutions to improve the coverage in Gilgandra,” Mr Coulton said.

“Telstra has indicated that it recognises its tower is in the wrong place and is actively looking to relocate it to a better location. This needs to be done as soon as possible, however I understand it will take some time for the relocated tower to be operational.

“This is the long-term solution, however in the short-term, I encourage people to look to other alternatives, rather than relying on Telstra for all of their communications needs.”

Mr Coulton suggested it would be worthwhile for people in Gilgandra to look into whether another carrier would provide better coverage in their area.

“I also encourage people to look into using non-mobile networks such as the nbn and Starlink for their home and business internet requirements which would help reduce congestion of the mobile network and allow the use of Wi-Fi for Wi-Fi calling.

“Reliable communications networks are crucial for our rural and regional areas, however it requires a collective effort from individuals, network providers and all levels of government to ensure we are adequately connected.”

Urgent talks held

Urgent talks were held with Telstra last week, after ongoing disruptions to connectivity in the town.

Gilgandra Shire Council has now agreed to help fast track the installation of a new mobile tower and said the ongoing connectivity issues have become increasingly evident and disruptive.

“Council remains committed to supporting the delivery of this essential service, including the push to fast-track the installation of a new mobile tower,” Gilgandra Shire Council Mayor Doug Batten said.

“Reliable connectivity is vital for our community's growth and everyday life. It’s not just about convenience, it impacts our local economy, education, and safety in times of emergencies.

“We’re committed to working with all stakeholders on behalf of our community to ensure Gilgandra gets the services it deserves as quickly as possible.”

At this time, Council confirms that no Development Application (DA) has been lodged for the installation of a new mobile tower, however, preliminary discussions have taken place.

Petition taking flight

Hayden Whiteman was so frustrated by what he saw in the local community that he began a petition to highlight the issue.

“In the last 18 months, since the wind down of 3G network, we saw a significant reduction in the service. But then in October last year lost all of our data,” Mr Whiteman said.

“We can still make calls but the data gone.

“Telstra has told us that we need to pay for extra infrastructure to get us through, or to use satellite phones. 

“In a low socio-economic town like Gilgrandra – we’re already disadvantaged. So to have to get additional coverage options is just not feasible.” 

Mr Whiteman said up to seven local businesses had to take their EFTPOS machines outside their shops to get their payments to go through. 

Tower relocation the answer – Telstra

Telstra Regional General Manager Michael Marom backed earlier calls that the relocation of a mobile tower was the solution, but given the approval process, that may be a lengthy one.

A number of steps and approvals are required to work through to relocate a mobile tower, however we’re moving as quickly as possible to deliver this much-needed upgrade to the community,” Mr Marom said.

“We met with council and relevant stakeholders last week to review various suitable locations and fast track the transition of the current site to a more appropriate location to provide enhanced service to the broader township.


“Congestion is the result of growing customer demand and the main solve is deployment of additional capacity (spectrum) along with customers using the right connectivity for their needs,” Mr Marom said.