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Cobar couple celebrate 70 years together

Western Plains App

Kristin Murdock

05 September 2024, 7:40 AM

Cobar couple celebrate 70 years togetherMember for Barwon, Roy Butler, congratulates Eric and Cath Manns from Cobar, who recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.

Only one-tenth of one percent of all marriages last 70 years or more, which is all the more reason for Cobar couple, Eric and Cath Manns to enjoy their celebrations.

This magnificent feat of seven decades of wedded bliss bought congratulations – albeit a year late – from Member for Barwon, Roy Butler.

“In June last year I read out a Community Recognition Statement on the floor of Parliament congratulating Cobar residents Eric and Kath Manns on the occasion of their seventieth wedding anniversary,” Mr Butler said recently.

“I had wanted to present them with a commemorative certificate last year, but scheduling difficulties and Kath having an unfortunate accident got in the way. Now I have finally had the great pleasure of presenting them a certificate acknowledging their milestone anniversary.“

Mr and Mrs Mann met in 1953 in Sydney and two weeks later, they were engaged. It was a whirlwind romance and six months later, they were married. Mr Mann was born and raised in Cobar, working on the railway with his father to help support his family.

He finished school and went on to do various jobs. After meeting and marrying Kath, Eric encouraged her to move to Cobar and while initially hesitant Kath gave it a go. They bought a home in Cobar, in which they still live today.

“They moved back out to Cobar and a year ago, they celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. Now they're 71 years married and both still sharp as a tack and well supported by family who also live in Cobar,” Mr Butler said.

“They're still living very independently, and I just really wanted to stop by and give them my congratulations. We heard some great stories about the work that Eric used to do, driving trucks all over the west and delivering livestock, and that was fascinating.

Some of the stories he had were incredible - all in a time with no air conditioning and no power steering.”

Mr Butler called Mr and Mrs Mann a remarkable couple.

“I really enjoyed sitting down having a chat with them and they had one of their granddaughters there, Stacey, who was about three weeks off giving birth. This will be another great grandchild on the ground. It's a lovely story, and it really sort of reminds

everyone that there's some real good in the word.”

“It was a delight to meet them in person, both told us some great stories about their early lives, both have a great sense of humour.”