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Collaborating in the "Real Country"

Western Plains App

Kristin Murdock

20 January 2024, 8:40 PM

Collaborating in the "Real Country"The design concept for a more tourist-driven region. (Supplied)

A collaboration between three local Shire Councils: Gilgandra, Coonamble and Warrumbungle, has led to the development of the "Real Country Strategic Project."


The project has been a multi-year journey, aiming to bring together the expertise and dedication of the three Councils to shape the future of their communities for locals and visitors alike.


Warrumbungle Shire Council Mayor, Ambrose Doolan, said the collaboration represents a significant milestone in the region’s development.


"It is an opportunity to showcase the potential of our region and focus on enhancing our visitor experience, promoting the Real Country experience, and supporting economic initiatives and local infrastructure projects," he said.


Tim Horan, Mayor of Coonamble Shire said he was excited to collaborate with sister communities to build and promote the region as a single, regional tourism destination.


"Currently, our local economies are solely reliant on the agricultural industry," Mr Horan said.

"These agricultural pursuits are prone to more extreme weather events on what seems to be a more frequent cycle. With local economic reliance being placed solely on an industry whose prosperity fluctuates seasonally, it is imperative that we build a tourism industry that attracts visitors to our region to spend on 'real country' experiences, of which we have plentiful potential and which is not dependent on a 'good' season and subject to the vagaries of the weather."


Gilgandra Mayor Doug Batten agreed the collaboration was significant.


"The project is a reflection of our shared values and goals. It is an exciting step forward in showcasing the potential of our region," Mr Batten said.


Mr Doolan invited residents to participate in the online exhibition where project documents can be explored and feedback given.


"We value your perspective and input is vital in ensuring that our plans reflect the aspirations of our residents," he said.

The Real Country Strategic Project and its unique partnership between three regional Councils, demonstrates a commitment to work together to address common challenges and opportunities.

 In developing the draft documents, including the Real Country Strategy, Infrastructure Business Case, Cost Schedule and Engagement Report, there were seven community workshops held across the three regions, including three villages along the Castlereagh River; Binnaway, Mendooran and Tooraweenah and an online workshop.

"Our Shires are literally connected by the course of the Castlereagh River, and it is this sinew that binds our 'Real Country' collaboration," Mr Horan said.


To view the concepts, DRAFT documents and Have Your Say, head to:

