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Community dedication a feature of Bogan Shire's Australia Day celebrations

Western Plains App

Kristin Murdock

20 January 2025, 8:40 PM

Community dedication a feature of Bogan Shire's Australia Day celebrations

Australia Day in Bogan Shire will kick off with a free community breakfast at 8am on January 26, followed by official proceedings at 9am.

Fittingly on this community focused day, Bogan Shire’s Australia Day Ambassador is Allan Sparkes.

Mr Sparkes is the former Deputy Commissioner of the Mental Health Commission of NSW, he is an author, NSW Police veteran and one of the country’s most decorated citizens.

“As ambassador, Allan will be guest of honour at the Australia Day Celebrations at Davidson Park, Nyngan on Sunday January 26 from 8am,” Bogan Shire Council announced on social media.

“Allan is one of only five Australians in the past 49 years to receive Australia’s highest bravery decoration, The Cross of Valour, for a lifesaving rescue.”

Over the years, Mr Sparkes has earned many other accolades, including being presented with the Commendation for Brave Conduct, the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to Mental Health Support organisations and the community, the NSW Police Commissioners Valour Award (VA), and the Royal Humane Society of NSW Galleghan Award.

Mr Sparkes is also one of only 10 Australians to receive the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal, the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Medal, and the King's Coronation Medal.

A great example of commitment to the betterment of community, Allan Sparkes is Bogan Shire's Australia Day Ambassador.

“I have been an Australia Day Ambassador for quite some years now,” Mr Sparkes told Western Plains App.

“Each year the Ambassadors are given a chance to choose where they would like to visit, and each year I ask for a rural location, with a preference for the far west and or a remote area.

“One of the reasons I ask this is because I was raised in Cumnock in the Central West, worked as a jackaroo and a shearer before moving to the big smoke.

“I have spent a lot of time in western areas with family, visiting and working with them,” said Mr Sparkes.

“Over the years I have developed a deep sense of respect for those who live and work in rural and remote areas.

“Rural communities are the true Ambassadors for Australia. They represent the characteristics of what makes Australia and Australians unique. My wife Deb and I will be honoured to be in the company of those who live, work and support each other here in Nyngan.

“One of the strongest emotions I feel on Australia day is gratitude. I am so grateful to live in Australia, I am so grateful to be an Australian. Being in Nyngan will reinforce those emotions,” he said.

In September 2022, St James Palace in London invited him to attend the funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, II where he took part in the Chivalry and Gallantry Procession during the funeral proceedings. It was the first time in Australian history that St James Palace had extended an invitation to an Australian Cross of Valour recipient to attend a formal proceeding in the UK.


“I not only represent the other four Cross of Valour recipients but I believe I also represent all civilian bravery award recipients, all Police Officers around Australia, past and present, men, women and children who have suffered psychological injuries such as PTSD, and those who have been to the hell hole of suicidal ideation,” Mr Sparkes said at the time.

Mr Sparkes is a proud supporter of the Tribal Warrior Indigenous Youth Program and the Indigenous Never Going Back Program at the National Centre for Indigenous Excellence at Redfern, and a mentor for the Indigenous Police Recruiting Program, IPROWD.

A powerhouse and passionate advocate for mental health and suicide prevention, Mr Sparkes co-founded mental health training programs for first responders and serves on numerous advisory panels.

His dedication to resilience and community well-being continues to inspire Australians nationwide and his stories at Bogan Shire’s Australia Day ceremony will be inspirational.

Not a man to rest on his laurels, Mr Sparkes is currently the Chair of the National Police Bravery Award Committee, Patron of the Cross of Valour Association, Patron of the Heart2Heart Walk Foundation, Vice Patron of the Australian Bravery Association, Patron of the Australian Police Over 35’s Rugby Team and an Ambassador for Kookaburra Kids.

Bogan Council General Manager Derek Francis said the Shire was privileged to be able to welcome such an outstanding and highly decorated Ambassador.

“Allan’s work and passion for mental health is particularly relevant for us and we look forward to an inspirational address,” said Mr Francis.

Following Mr Sparkes presentation and the announcement of Australia Day Award winners, including winners of the colouring competition, the local community can cool of at the Nyngan War Memorial Pool where entry is free all day!

*Contributions by Angie White.