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Councils take health into their own hands

Western Plains App

Laura Williams

24 September 2023, 9:20 PM

Councils take health into their own handsJohn Medcalf OAM, Mayor Lachlan Shire Council; Phyllis Miller OAM Mayor Forbes Shire Council; Ken Keith OAM Mayor Parkes Shire Council; Maree Statham Mayor Lithgow City Council. Bottom left: Kevin Beatty Chair of Central NSW Joint Organisation and Mayor of Cabonne Shire Council; Richard Colbran CEO NSW Rural Doctors Network

Last week mayors from across regional NSW met for the Country Mayors’ Association of NSW inaugural Rural and Regional Health Forum, joined by health leaders and politicians to discuss the health issues that communities are facing. 

While the challenges and letdowns of health services in the bush are well documented, Lachlan Shire Council Mayor John Medcalf said that councils are beginning to take matters into their own hands. 

“As mayor, I’ve been more involved in health than I ever have before. We haven’t got much to do with health but we can do a lot of advocating and we are doing just that this year,” Cr Medcalf said. 

“We’re thinking about communities and we just need to get another way to entice staff to come out to this part of the world.”

The conference saw a push for a collaboration between councils and regions to maximise their capacity, something that the Lachlan Shire Council has already instigated with programs like the Collaborative Care Program and forming part of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Rural Doctors Network.

CEO of NSW Rural Doctors Network Richard Colbran was a part of the lineup of speakers. 

“Local councils across the state have become increasingly involved in ensuring a stronger, more sustainable health workforce so RDN is honoured to be signing a memorandum of understanding with the CMA to show its commitment to achieving better health access in regional, rural and remote NSW,” Mr Colbran said. 

“I am constantly impressed by the dedication of mayors and councils to improving health access and outcomes for their residents, especially during recent years of natural disasters, the pandemic and crippling health workforce shortages.”

“I am sure there will be some positive recommendations and outcomes to flow from this forum.” Mr Colbran said. . 

Among the speakers were Federal Member for Riverina Michael McCormack and Federal National Rural Health Commissioner Professor Ruth Stewart.

Coming home from the forum, Cr Medcalf said he feels as though the wheels are already in motion for improving access to health. 

“We’re doing a lot more work towards trying to open up health reform.”