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From a group chat to a business collective - Narromine businesses unite

Western Plains App

Lily Plass

08 December 2024, 1:40 AM

From a group chat to a business collective - Narromine businesses uniteSome of the first members of the Narromine Business Collective including Sara McCarthy, Sarah Atchison, Pippa Moore, Felicity Roberts, and Emma Barrett. Photo: Georgie Johnson

What began as a simple Instagram chat among local business owners in Narromine has now evolved into the Narromine Business Collective, an official group aimed at supporting and networking businesses in the town.

"This is the formalising of that group so we can work with council and different funding bodies to host events," explained Felicity Roberts, co-president of the collective and owner of the Narromine Pharmacy.

The group's origins can be traced to Sarah Atchison, the other co-president and owner of Country Traders Home and Life, who founded the original Instagram account that brought these business owners together.

Presidents of the newly formed Narromine Business Collective Sarah Atchison and Felicity Roberts. Photo: Georgie Johnson

"It’s a great opportunity for socialising and networking," said Ms Roberts, noting how the group offers a vital space for connection.

"It can be very lonely sometimes as a business owner. That's why it’s good to have a space to mingle with other business owners to share ideas and knowledge."

Currently, the Narromine Business Collective consists of twelve local business owners who volunteer their time to help the group thrive.

Members range from a marriage celebrant to a graphic designer, grower relationship manager, and physiotherapist, reflecting the diverse businesses in the area.

All current members are women, though Roberts emphasized that the group is open to everyone.

"We’re inclusive to anyone—male, female, farmers, tradies, retail owners, even anyone sitting on an idea considering a business."

The formation of the Narromine Business Collective comes in response to the town’s lack of a Chamber of Commerce, creating a need for a support system tailored to the local economy.

While Narromine is close to Dubbo, Roberts noted that it is "different" and requires its own focus.

"When a town has a strong economy, businesses flourish, schools flourish. It’s all for the growth of the community," she added.

The group's first major event is planned for International Women’s Day in March 2025.

Looking ahead, the collective aims to raise funds from this and future events to support quarterly networking meetings and a significant annual function.

You can find the Narromine Business Collective on Facebook or Instagram.