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Goin' the full Condo

Western Plains App

Lucy Kirk

30 October 2022, 6:40 AM

Goin' the full CondoCondobolin connections get the Beerfest feeling without leaving Australia.

The Condo Oktoberfest is now well-and-truly built into the blood of the small town, surviving through drought and flooding rain to prove the beer really is better out here.


Despite multiple road closures, storm events and major flooding in the area, the Beer Fest drew in a spectacular crowd just shy of 400 people to the Condobolin Sports Club on Saturday 22nd October.

Dark skies didn't deter Brad & Tasha Hurley and their crowd of merry-makers at the Condobolin Oktoberfest.


Coordinators of the German-themed festival, father and daughter duo Brad and Tasha Hurley said despite the unfavourable conditions, they couldn't have asked for a better turnout.


"It was disappointing that a lot could not make it due to road closures and the risk of flood water but I am still very happy with the turnout given those factors," said Tasha.


Those who did make it to the event, however, relished in the fun.


An authentic German polka band the 'Breumeisters' set the tone of the event, playing for four hours outdoors, encouraging everyone to dance, sing and drink the afternoon away.

After dark, the unmistakable melodies of Barnsey, Creedence and Nollsy persuaded almost everyone to the dancefloor for hours of entertainment from rock cover band, 'Ballz n' All."



An array of food, an endless supply of beer and a crowd of traditional German costumes all added to the atmosphere, but Tasha says that's only half of it.


"100% of the profits go back to the Condobolin Sports Club to put towards maintaining the incredible venue that it is," said Tasha.


"And the flow on effect to the town ideally means more visitors, more coffees sold, more people browsing the dress shops and booking accommodation," she said.


While the event had been put off for two years due to COVID-19, Tasha has plans to keep it an annual event on the Condobolin entertainment calendar.


"Hopefully it will continue to grow and can have an even bigger impact for all our local businesses in the future," she said.


With next year's date already locked in place, it seems the Condo Beer Fest will keep growing in size, challenging out-of-town beer drinkers to 'go the full condo' next time they're in town!

More lederhosen than you can poke a stein at.