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Grant lands more curious critters for Gulargambone

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Coonamble Times

23 May 2022, 7:54 AM

Grant lands more curious critters for GulargamboneA grant to create more curious creatures is expected to attract more curious visitors to Gulargambone this year.

A collection of creeping, crawling, climbing and flying critters are set to descend on three double-sided mural billboards planned for the Pave the Way to Gular street art festival this year thanks to a Country Arts Support Program grant. 

Outback Arts Inc recently announced the recipients of the latest round of Country Arts Support Program (CASP) funding with the Gulargambone Community Enterprises Co-op Ltd successful in securing $2000 to allow two or three metal artists to create a series of quirky creatures out of scrap steel to adorn the billboards. 

This enormous eagle and nest were installed in 2021.

Separate funding has been secured for the construction of the billboards and the six murals that will add another round of attractions to Gulargambone's significant public art scene. 

"The billboards are going to be huge," said Event Co-ordinator and grant hunter Annie Haling. 

"The little creatures will be welded onto the beams and frames of the billboards to soften the structures and help them blend into the landscape." 

The billboards and associated creatures will be located on two crown reserves at the western end of Bourbah Street between the Jean Walker Park and the Gulargambone Creek. 

Gulargambone's reputation as a public art destination will continue to grow with the billboard and the Curious Visitors due to be completed for the Pave the Way Festival on 10 and 11 September this year. 

"The first step is to submit the designs and plans for the footings as a development application to council," Mrs Haling said. 

"We'll probably start construction in July and they'll be done in time for the Festival." 

More of these critters are expected to appear on a series of billboards in Gulargambone.

While the creatures are designed to soften the billboards, it was decided to attach a theme to the artwork when calling for expressions of interest from artists and Mrs Haling says the theme is designed to "challenge" visitors to come and take a look. 

"This year we want artworks to not just look amazing but be thought provoking, a statement piece, even provocative (maybe political, protest, environmental, contemporary life)." 

"Because the billboards are off the highway we need a reason for people to divert off their route to view the art, so the feedback needs to be worthy of the deviation," she said. 

The Gulargambone project was among eight to be awarded a CASP grant in our region with groups in Warren, Burren Junction, Brewarrina and Cobar also successful. 

The funding is made available by Create NSW to provide regional people access to a diverse range of cultural programs. 

Outback Arts Executive Director Jamie-Lea Trindall said, “CASP is a significant investment by Outback Arts with support of Create NSW to provide funds directly to regional areas. It is a great initiative that allows regional communities and local people with an opportunity to create and realise their own arts and culture projects. Outback Arts are looking forward to seeing these projects develop over the coming year.”