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Ham it up this Christmas, but keep it safe!

Western Plains App

Kristin Murdock

18 December 2024, 7:40 AM

Ham it up this Christmas, but keep it safe!

With Christmas fast approaching, many Western Plains residents are gearing up for their favourite festive feast.

Whether sourced from one of our great local butchers or raised on your own property, the Christmas ham holds a special place on the table.

For those embracing the paddock-to-plate approach, there are important responsibilities to keep in mind, prompting a timely reminder from Western Local Land Services. 

“Swill feeding, which is offering your pigs animal products, is illegal,” Anja Sandring, District Veterinarian, Western Local Land Service said.  

“Some of the main examples of swill feeding are carcasses, meat scraps, blood and bones, or products that have been in contact with animal products, like cooking oil, fruit and vegetables, and bakery items.” 

Dr Sandring warned that swill feeding poses serious risks for the introduction and spread of Emergency Animal Diseases (EAD), such as Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) and African Swine Fever (ASF). 

“Australia is free from FMD and ASF, and an outbreak of those diseases would severely affect the Australian livestock industry and have devastating consequences for producers and communities,” she said. 

Swill feeding pigs is illegal and dangerous warns Anja Sandring, District Veterinarian at Western Local Land Services.

Biosecurity Obligations for Producers 

To ensure a safe and disease-free Christmas, it is essential for producers to include their pigs in their Annual Land and Stock Returns.

This measure enables Local Land Services to quickly and effectively respond to EAD outbreaks or other biosecurity events. 

Additionally, if producers plan to move pigs off their property, they must be registered with Pig Pass, the national tracking system for pig movements in Australia.

Pig Pass plays a critical role in maintaining food safety, animal disease control, and animal welfare. 

Reporting Emergencies During the Holidays 

For livestock producers who suspect an emergency animal disease during the Christmas shutdown period, immediate action is crucial.

The Emergency Animal Disease hotline is available at 1800 675 888.

Early reporting can prevent widespread outbreaks and protect the industry. 

For further advice about managing pigs or other livestock, producers are encouraged to contact their Local Land Services District Veterinarian at 1300 795 299. 

This holiday season, remember that a delicious home-grown ham starts with proper care and biosecurity measures.

By following these guidelines, producers can ensure a safe and satisfying Christmas feast while protecting Australia’s livestock industry.