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Increased pay for aged care workers now in place

Western Plains App

Ailish Dwyer

06 January 2025, 8:39 PM

Increased pay for aged care workers now in placeImage from Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

An increase to the award wages for aged care workers that came into effect this month, has been welcomed.

The Fair Work Commission advocated changes mean that as of January 1, eligible workers will receive a three per cent increase to their minimum pay rate.


Naomi Taylor, Executive Operations Manager at Cooinda Coonabarabran, said the pay increases were a positive step in recognizing the value of aged care employees. “While wage increases help retain skilled and experienced staff, every aged care organisation still faces the challenge of building and maintaining a strong team.

"Rural areas like ours struggle with attracting talent, especially registered nurses. Aged care workers have long been underpaid, so this is a welcome change, with another tranche scheduled for 1 October 2025," Ms Taylor said.


But some in the industry remain sceptical. Paul Rosenquist, the Acting Facility Manager at Koonambil Aged Care Limited in Coonamble, said the organisation is mostly dependent on agency workers.  


"I still think even with the wage increases you will have difficulty attracting the right staff."  


Despite viewing aged care as "a rewarding industry," he said it was difficult to attract staff and maintain a standard of care.  

"You're trying to provide one-level of care, for the people who reside here, but rental affordability, cost-of-living crisis, housing availability affect your bottom line."  


More information on the Aged Care Award here:

Updates on the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Award here.