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Local issues on the agenda at ICPA national conference.

Western Plains App

Kristin Murdock

15 July 2024, 3:40 AM

Local issues on the agenda at ICPA national conference.The NSW ICPA office bearers (from left) Bree Wakefield (vice-president), Robin Beckwith (vice-president), Tanya Mitchell (president) and Libby McPhee (secretary) are looking forward to the national conference.

Treasurer of the Walgett branch of the Isolated Children's and Parents' Association (ICPA), Cath Deshon from Llanilo Station, which is situated between Lightning Ridge and Cumborah, is one of many regional parents making the journey to Sydney for the ICPA Federal Conference this month.


"It's a long journey, but a great chance to get together with others in the same situation, parents of students in remote areas and talk about the challenges we all face," Ms Deshon said. "It's really busy and while I wouldn't call it a break, it’s a great chance to catch up with people and have a change of scenery."


The ICPA Australia’s 53rd Annual Conference will be held in Sydney on July 24 and 25 and celebrates the successes and achievements of the group which have enabled rural and remote children access to equitable educational opportunities regardless of where they live.


With the theme of Bridging The Divide, the annual conference will be attended by branch delegates, Federal Ministers, Departmental representatives and other organisations and guests.


"As we reflect on what is needed to truly 'Bridge the Divide,' ICPA is advocating for access to the same opportunity to be offered to our most isolated children,” Federal President, Louise Martin, ICPA Australia said.


“We are asking for urgent and immediate improved access to funding, services, and educational opportunities. The goal is not only to sustain our communities but also to empower our young people to pursue their dreams, whatever that might look like."


The conference provides an opportunity for members to gather together to share their stories and concerns, receive support and advice and celebrate the successes of this great organisation. 


ICPA Publicity Officer, Britt Anderson from Cymbric Vale Station near Broken Hill said being part of the group is important for regional people.


"I started because my mother and father-in-law were heavily involved in ICPA for their children. The first advice my mother-in-law ever gave to me was that if I join any committees whatsoever, make sure it's ICPA."


Ms Anderson became a member of the NSW State Council and has since taken on the role of publicity officer.


The conference will feature a keynote address from Jana Pittman, emphasising the importance of opportunities to feed growth. Attendees will also hear from ICPA NSW President Duncan Taylor, Founder and Director of the Country Universities Centre, an organization facilitating 18 Regional University Study Hubs across NSW, Queensland, and Victoria. Addressing funding issues is also on the agenda.


“We come together, as our Federal Government has withheld funding for ICPA’s requests in the latest budget," Ms Martin said. "This is despite the positive conversations that have been held in Canberra.

"As a meeting of our brightest minds, the conference will also look at ways we can increase ICPA influence and be better heard at the policy-making level.


“As cost-of-living bites, our most remote and isolated families are being forced to cover ever-rising costs, often with little to no choice. Reform is needed to address the growing disparity facing those seeking a ‘fair go’ and the ability to access quality education in the bush."