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Local nurses nominated in Nurse of the Year Awards.

Western Plains App

11 May 2022, 7:25 AM

Local nurses nominated in Nurse of the Year Awards.Bourke's nursing team is one of the nominees from health services around the region.

Nurses from across the western plains region will be in the spotlight tomorrow as we prepare to celebrate International Nurses' Day on Thursday 12 May.


The Western Local Health District will be announcing their Nurse of the Year awards throughout the day and the west is well represented across three of the four categories.

The awards are a way of paying tribute to the outstanding talent, skill and dedication of nurses to their profession.


In the Nurse of the Year Award, Sharon Smith of Coonamble and Regina McMullen of Cobar are in the running with 20 other nurses from towns further east.


Sharon is an Assistant in Nursing (AIN) and Coonamble Multipurpose Health Service while Regina is a Registered Nurse at Cobar Health Service.


In the Team of the Year category, the Bourke Hospital Nursing Team, the Collarenebri Multipurpose Service and the Narromine Health Service Nursing Team will be battling it out with 22 other nominees.


The final category is the Pauline Webster Graduate Registered Nurse of the Year and three western-based graduate nurses have been nominated among 19 others.


Local services will be barracking for Enica Rauker from the Coonamble MPS, Loren Stoker from Lightning Ridge and Stacy Denny from Gilgandra MPS.


The Western NSW Local Health District (WNSWLHD) Nurse, Midwife and Team Awards acknowledges the significant skill, passion, and contributions of nurses and midwives from across the District.


Winners of the WNSWLHD Nurse, Midwife and Team of the Year Awards are nominated to represent the District in the NSW Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery Awards.


Read on to see what their nominators had to say about these wonderful people who work so hard to keep our communities strong and healthy. Information and photos courtesy Western Local Health District.

Bourke Nursing Team

The team at Bourke are supportive, adaptable, flexible and display resilience on a day to day basis. The Bourke Nursing Team are welcoming to everyone. They are respectful, professional, caring and empathetic.

They work hard to provide a culturally safe and supportive environment for everyone.


The Collarenebri MPS aim to provide the best patient centred care. The team work together to provide a high level of care to patients, the community and residents. The team recognises the power in being able to support each other and is more than just the Nursing staff. The Support Service Staff, Administration Staff and Community health teams help out and are a vital part of ensuring the patients gets the best care.

There is no ‘I’ in ‘team’and this is evident in the support and conduct of everyone that works in or with the Collarenebri Multipurpose Service.


The nursing team at Narromine are hard-working and determined to bring the best possible care for patients. The team support each other to ensure the Narromine Community have a high standard of care as close to home as possible. Narromine is a warm and welcoming place to work. The team foster an enjoyable and supportive work environment.

Pauline Webster Nursing Graduate Award Nominees

Enica Rauker, Coonamble MPS

Enica is enthusiastic and takes every opportunity to further develop her knowledge. Enica is self-motivated. She has excellent clinical and time management skills.

While Enica was working in Community Primary Health, her care towards palliative patients in their homes was delivered with compassion and kindness. Family members spoke highly of the care Enica delivered to her patients.

Enica constantly goes above and beyond to provide quality care for her patients.

Loren Soker, Lightning Ridge

Loren is eager to learn and grow within her role.

Loren is always positive and caring towards staff, patients and residents.

Loren dedicates her time through also supporting and mentoring new graduates.

Stacy Denny, Gilgandra MPS

Stacey is an outstanding registered nurse and excelled in her New Graduate program. She was even fast tracked into ACLS and Triage and Dialysis programs.

Stacey is an advocate for patients. She puts their care first and is incredibly empathetic and compassionate towards all patients.

Stacey is now a mentor for this year’s Nurse Graduates at Gilgandra.

Nurse of the Year nominees

Sharon Smith, Coonamble MPS [no photo available]

Sharon is very caring, engaging and beautiful with the residential patients in the facility.

Sharon is always committed to making sure her patients are looked after and engaging in activities in Residential Aged Care. Sharon makes herself available to help at all times, reducing anxiety and building relationships of trust within her daily routine.

Sharon always respects her residence privacy and integrity. Sharon is always kind and listens to what they want. Sharon provides exceptional patient experience, always engaging and happy at work with patients and work colleagues.

Sharon always contributes to positive workplace culture.

Regina McMullen, Cobar Health Service [no photo available]

Regina is an outstanding member of the nursing team at Cobar Hospital who, without hesitation goes above and beyond her duties to benefit the Cobar community.

Regina shows up day after day to provide the highest standard of care for all patients and works restlessly to ensure everyone’s needs are met, including the needs of the staff around her.

Regina has been an involved and caring member of the Cobar community for many years now and has had a life long impact on the lives of many people from all walks of life.