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Long table brings celebration of community in Nyngan

Western Plains App

Angie White

28 September 2024, 2:40 AM

Long table brings celebration of community in NynganThe organising committee of The Long Table. Photo by Liv Ashton.

The town of Nyngan was abuzz last Saturday as 250 women gathered at the racecourse for the annual ‘The Long Table’ luncheon. 


“The initial plan was simply to hold a ‘perfect day’ where women could come together for a few hours with friends and family and forget about the world,” said committee member Susan Barclay. 

“We all have so many worries and so much to do, that a couple of hours carefree, to celebrate women and each other, is the most amazing feeling, and one to really treasure.

“The fact that we could also raise around $28,000.00 for our local Can Assist Branch was just the icing on the cake,” said Mrs Barclay. 


Under two rows of gum trees, the racket would have scared off even the most confident of birds, friends reunited and caught up. 


The Long Table, in its second year, sold out all its tickets in only 21 minutes, such is its popularity, and women travelled from all over NSW and interstate to attend. 


Mistress of Ceremonies Grace Ryan, Deputy Editor of Central Western Daily newspaper, kept the proceedings rolling as the wine and beer flowed and food from ‘Eat Your Greens’ was delivered to tables by local Nyngan High School students. 


Fiorina Gibbons from Dubbo Cancer Centre spoke to the crowd about the centre’s life-saving work, while Angie White and Nano Moody shared a poem that had the audience alternating between tears and laughter, on the beauty of women.  



An auction of donated items raised thousands of dollars as the ladies battled it out in entertaining style, with auctioneer Simon Bell trying his hardest to keep up. 


“You simply could not fault the day,” said Astrid Linke. “Everything was perfection, from the delectable food to the stunning floral arrangements (from local florist Crafted Blooms) that adorned tables and the photo area.  

“The company was warm and inspiring, making this gathering a true celebration of friendship and all the good things in life. Most definitely a day to be remembered (and marked in the calendar!),” said Ms Linke. 

“As someone who has previously lived in the far west of the state, the day reminded me of everything that is wonderful about living and working in the more regional areas of NSW and the binding friendships you develop there,” said lunch goer Lotty Mackenzie. 

MC Grace Ryan - Deputy Editor Central Western Daily - Photo courtesy Liv Ashton The Long Table.  

“The Long Table was a celebration of women supporting women and the ties that bind. An opportunity for reflection on the good times, the bad times and the really tough times and the periods in between, when you know, no matter what, that your friends will ‘show up’. 

“A day for catch ups with old friends and for developing new friendships, an excuse to dress up, to eat good food and to dance a little in the sunshine,” said Ms Mackenzie. 

“It was an absolute credit to the committee who pull together such an amazing event and to the crowd. Of fun loving, supportive, beautiful women who used it as the perfect excuse to celebrate each other. I don’t think I have smiled so much in a long while.” 

Firoina Gibbons - Dubbo Cancer Centre Photo courtesy Liv Ashton The Long Table.