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Men's Health Week starts today!

Western Plains App

Kristin Murdock

09 June 2024, 9:20 PM

Men's Health Week starts today!Pre-conceived ideas about farmers being strong and self-reliant may prevent them from acknowledging health issues. (Image: National Centre for Farmer Health).

How are you staying healthy this Men's Health Week?

International Men's Health Week celebrates its 30th anniversary this year and runs from Monday, June 10 to Sunday, June 16.

It is an opportunity to focus on the importance of men's health, and to promote and support the health and wellbeing of men and boys in our communities.

Now for the hard news...


Did you know that around 40 per cent of poor health and premature death among Australian men can be prevented by healthier habits?


Men's Health Week focuses on not just physical health, but also men's mental health and emotional wellbeing.

During the week, health challenges faced by men in Australia are highlighted and many events will focus on improving the physical, emotional and mental health of men and boys.


In Australia, Men’s Health Week is coordinated by the Centre for Male Health at Western Sydney University.

They have joined forces with men's health advocacy group, Healthy Male to launch the Good Health Heroes campaign to educate Australian men on the health issues most likely to affect them and encourage prevention through sustainable lifestyle changes.

Using data from Ten to Men longitudinal study on male health, that is underpinned by research that highlights the conditions that men experience the highest burden of disease, which includes diabetes, various cancers, stroke, heart disease, injury, mental health disorders and reproductive and sexual disorders.

Not to be made light of - men carry the weight of disease in Australila.


Local health groups are also gearing up for Men's Health Week with the Western NSW Local Health District (WNSWLHD) shining the spotlight on some of their fantastic male employees across the District, sharing their tips on staying physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy.


Michael Ah Kit, is a Aboriginal Health Practitioner from Lightning Ridge, and, for his part has shared an image of himself in a Queensland rugby jersey on the group's Facebook page.


 "This snap is to help my fellow NSW health colleagues stay healthy. When they encounter this dress code, it fizzes them up so much, it’s like a high intensity 30 minute gym workout…hahaha," Mr Ah Kit said.


Staff at WNSWLHD think he's onto something – maybe laughter and a bit of friendly rivalry are the ultimate health boosters!

Michael Ah Kit has taken drastic steps to draw attention to men's health. IMAGE: Western NSW Local Health District


Healthy Male CEO, Simon von Saldern said that they wanted to remind men that looking after your health takes a bit of time and effort, but it’s not as hard as you might think and it’s far less difficult than dealing with a health condition


"Start with small changes like a walk around the block each day or adding a new vegetable on your plate each week and work your way up," he suggested.

Healthy Male CEO, Simon val Saldern


The Good Health Heroes campaign focuses on six key foundations of good health in men — nutrition, exercise, connection, reducing risk-taking, health literacy and sleep — and champions self-manageable, achievable and sustainable habits to improve their outcomes in each one.


The National Centre for Farmer Health says rural men are often depicted as tough, capable, and self- reliant.

These attitudes and ideas about masculinity can make it hard for men to acknowledge when they are not doing so well, which is the last thing you want when you need help.

They say that because men are less likely than women to take an active role in maintaining their health they often have difficulty locating and connecting with health services. 

As Men's Health Week ticks over, consider booking yourself a health check-up and ask your mate how he's going - both physically and mentally.

One small step towards better health can make a world of difference.

Try these helpful links: