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Minister says Walgett pool may be re-opened for summer

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Luke Williams

03 August 2023, 3:40 AM

 Minister says Walgett pool may be re-opened for summer  Image: Walgett Shire Council.

A pool previously described as beyond disrepair may open again before the end of the year. 


Last month the Walgett Shire council decided to close the pool due to disrepair and a failing filtration system. 

A new 'splash park' will soon be built for summer, but there will be no area for adults to cool off. While many initially said the pool was beyond repair, there has been some talk of the repairing the - but perhaps only if funding came from the state government. 


Responding to questions from Member for Barwon Roy Butler in state parliament this week, the Minister acting for the Minister for Western NSW, Yasmin Catley, said the Walgett pool may re-open during the summer months as discussions between the Department of Regional NSW and Walgett Shire Council progress.   


But there was no doubt Minister Yatley wanted to make one thing clear community pools in the Western Plains are a council responsibility, but there are indications the Government wants to do more. 


Currently, there is a rescission motion before the council to stop the de-commissioning of the pool, which has been postponed until later this month.  

Walgett Shire Council, which owns the pool, has resolved the pool undergoes further risk management assessment before a final decision is made through an extraordinary general meeting. 


While the Government is hinting that a re-opening of the pool might be on the cards, but remain ambivalent about whether they will contribute to any costs involved. 


Will some of Walgett Pool's problems be resolved before summer arrives?

In Parliament question time this week, Mr. Butler asked the Government whether it would begin investing in capital works programs to ensure further closures of pools in regional NSW and ensure planning is underway for end-of-life replacement. 


Mr. Butler, and the former Minister for Western NSW, Dugald Saunders, have been trying and source funds to repair or replace the pool. 


Minister for Western NSW Tara Moriarity has yet to make any funding commitments to pool construction in Walgett. 


Her acting representative in parliament is the Minister. Catley did not directly respond to the question of investing funds but said Minister Moriarity had "asked her department to work with (Walgett Shire) council to survey the pool." 


Image: Coonamble Times 


"The Department of Regional New South Wales is working closely with Walgett Shire Council on the works required, costs, and timeline required to maintain the pool's operations," Minister Yatley said. 


She committed only that the Government would discuss the matter of the best way forward for these "vital pieces of infrastructure" with councils. 


"The Department will be speaking with the council to discuss potential options for opening the pool this summer," she said.