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Outreach clinic delivers expert cardiac care right to the heart of rural communities

Western Plains App

Angie White

09 October 2024, 6:40 AM

Outreach clinic delivers expert cardiac care right to the heart of rural communities Lake Cargelligo Multi Purpose Service. Photo courtesy of NSW Government

It's a matter of the heart for residents around the Lake Cargelligo region. 

The Outreach Heart Failure Diagnostic Clinic is an outreach clinic that brings diagnostic screening and specialist assessment closer to home for cardiac conditions.  

This much-needed service is expanding to cater to a growing number of people and now includes Lake Cargelligo Multi-Purpose Service. 

The clinic allows eligible patients to receive care in their areas, without the added expense and stress of travelling to major cities, at no cost to the patient. 

The clinic is the result of a partnership between Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD), Murrimbidgee Primary Health Network, Riverina Cardiology and Roy Cardiology – St Vincent’s Network as well as primary care providers including Aboriginal Medical Services.  

MLHD's Director Integrated Care and Allied Health, Emma Field said the clinic aims to ensure patients who are identified as being at elevated risk, or who are showing symptoms of heart failure, have timely access to screening and assessment. 


PHOTO: Minister for Regional Health Ryan Park 

“Lake Cargelligo residents who attend the clinics have had access to diagnostics including echocardiography, which is an ultrasound of the heart, at no cost,” said Ms Field. 

“It is hoped that as a result of this early intervention we will reduce preventable emergency department presentations and hospital admissions.” 

“We hear regularly from patients that they are appreciative of having access to diagnostic intervention in a timely manner, without them having to worry about travelling away from their homes,” said Clinical Nurse Consultant with MLHD's Chronic Respiratory and Heart Failure Team, Anitha Stanley. 

“We are pleased the clinic is now going to be travelling to even more District communities,”​ says Ms Stanley. 

Established in December 2022, patients are referred by their local GP. 

So far, 16 clinics have been held in Lake Cargelligo, Hay, West Wyalong, Temora, Narrandera, Tumut, and Holbrook, with great community support. 

“Early diagnosis aims to improve patient experience, outcomes, and quality of life, while reducing preventable emergency department presentations,” According to MLHD’s Director Integrated Care and Allied Health, Emma Field. 

“The Outreach Heart Failure Clinic is testament to the power of collaboration and innovation that has resulted in the delivery of high-quality healthcare to patients right across the District.” 

Labor Spokesperson for Cootamundra, Stephen Lawrence MLC, said innovations like the clinic are delivering expert cardiac care into the heart of smaller rural communities.  

“Having this access to screening, diagnosis and special assessment will make a major difference to the lives of people living in isolated communities who are at risk of heart failure in the region,” he said.