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Rural community groups celebrate FRRR funding

Western Plains App

Lily Plass

29 August 2024, 2:30 AM

Rural community groups celebrate FRRR fundingPCYC Walgett, one of the FRRR grant recipients

Three grassroots community groups from the Western Plains Region were awarded a total of $22,300 through Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR), a charitable foundation whose vision is for a vibrant, resilient and revitalised remote, rural and regional Australia. 


They are the Lake Cargelligo District Community Children's Centre Association, the Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) Walgett, and the Cobar Public School Parent & Citizens (P&C) Association. 


The grants are intended to give community groups the boost they need to tackle projects they otherwise might not have the chance to create.


The Cobar P&C Association received $2,400 to enhance flood recovery and reduce volunteer fatigue in the run-up to the biennial Spring Fair on 13 September. 


"The funding will help us secure extra resources from other community groups to help us run a safe and fun event," Kate Joss, President of the Cobar P&C said. 


She added that the funding will also go towards running an incentive campaign this week to try to encourage more P&C volunteers to join the committee.


"This is all with the aim to help the P&C to move from surviving to thriving, so we can generate more great things for the school and create a positive learning environment for the kids."


The PCYC Walgett received $9,900 to fund a free school holiday program for Indigenous children and children experiencing disadvantage to enhance social connections. 



The Lake Cargelligo District Community Children's Centre Association, which looks after 17 students, will receive $10,000 to give their three classrooms and four hallways a fresh new coat of paint.  


"We are really excited to get the grant. It's great to see that come through," the Centre Director Kate said. 


Overall, 79 community groups across Australia received a total of $730,000 through the Strengthening Rural Communities Program, with 28 of them were from NSW. 


"The beauty of this program is that it is flexible and can respond to the priorities of each individual place," FRRR Place Portfolio Lead Jill Karena said. 


"These kinds of facilities are critical to maintaining social connection, as well as being critical hubs from which visiting services such as mobile playgroups and regular exercise classes operate or host critical meetings, so ensuring they are fit for purpose is vital."