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Telco problems significantly impacting regional, rural and remote Australians

Western Plains App

Angie White

12 September 2024, 9:40 PM

Telco problems significantly impacting regional, rural and remote Australians

Are you having trouble with your telecommunications? The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) says you are not alone.

Over 51,854 phone and internet complaints were registered from consumers living in regional, rural and remote Australia between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2024, according to data collected by it. 

With complaints raging from poor service quality, poor mobile service coverage, faults, outages and accessibility barriers, telco problems are significantly impacting people in the bush. 


With lack of access to reliable telco services in regional areas, consumers face difficulties in having repairs completed or gaining access to an alternative service.


Consumers across Australia, particularly in regional areas, rely on quality telco services to participate in everyday life, and the TIO is urging Government to re-evaluate the current framework to achieve accessibility that can be relied on. 


Roy Butler, Independent MP for Barwon, is frustrated after addressing the issue many times. 


"Telecommunications out west are far from ideal, with black spots, outages and old infrastructure. We need to see real investment out here, and it is an issue I have raised consistently with both sides of politics since I was elected in 2019," he said.  


"When telecommunications are down, it can put entire communities at a standstill for days, this includes calls to emergency services, operating farms and businesses and just generally getting on with your life becomes extremely difficult. Any investment or attempts to improve telecommunications in Barwon is greatly welcome." 


The Ombudsman is continuing to explore ways to expand engagement with regional, rural and remote communities across Australia, with current initiatives including:  

  • regular Outreach programs, where the TIO travels to regional communities to discuss their telco issues  
  • a Consumer Panel, where representatives from consumer groups, including those representing consumers who live in regional areas (such as the Regional Tech Hub, Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association, and Financial Counsellors Association of WA) will alert the TIO to issues relevant to their groups  
  • in line with the recommendations from our last Independent Review, the collection of socio-demographic data to help the TIO understand and improve the accessibility of our service.  


Issues such as challenging weather, limited technology types, long waits for repairs, shortage of technicians, long distances from shops providing face-to-face support, unreliable satellite services and poor mobile coverage have been acknowledged by the TIO as difficulties for rural and regional users. 


“Telecommunication services are essential services, as important to our health and way of life as the electricity and water in our homes. We rely on phone and internet services in emergencies, for work, banking, telehealth services, social cohesion – everything. We need a policy agenda that reflects the indispensable nature of telecommunications,” according to Ombudsman Cynthia Gebert. 

“Regional, rural, and remote consumers are getting left behind, and it’s time that serious efforts are made to address the digital divide in this country. 

“If you’ve told your telco about the problems you’re experiencing and you’re not able to get it resolved with them, contact our office on 1800 062 058. We’re here to help.” 


Read more in the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman’s submission