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Three adjacent properties up for sale near Tottenham

Western Plains App

Lily Plass

30 August 2024, 9:22 PM

Three adjacent properties up for sale near TottenhamMogal Plain property Photo Credit: Ray White Rural

Three neighbouring properties near Tottenham - Marooba, Mogal Plain and NILOC - are now up for sale.


Ray White Rural agent Paddy Ward said it is possible the properties will go to the same buyer. 


"There's a chance someone will buy two, if not three," Mr Ward said. 

Together they would make a holding of 7,500 hectares, predominately on red loam soil.


The average rainfall in Tottenham, between Nyngan and Condobolin, is 494mm. 


Phillipa and Daniel Jones have listed their 2,460 hectare Mogal Plain property for $6.5 million, located on the Nyngan Road, 46 kilometres west of Tottenham and 93 kilometres north of Condobolin. 


The Jones' have owned the property for five years and are looking to sell the property to pursue interests closer to home. 


"They've developed the land, tidied up the timber, and done some works to the earth and house as well," Mr Ward said. 


It has been on the market for less than two weeks. 


The property is currently run as a broadacre cropping operation and is watered by 14 dams.


It also has a Boyd automated lamb feeding system with three feed sources and 54 sheep feeders. 


Ninety-four percent, or 5,700 acres of the area, is suitable for farming. 


The Mogal Plain property boasts one homestead with a recently renovated open-plan kitchen/dining room with a cool room, butcher area, and saltwater pool.


There are seven silos in total on the property, four of them are grain, one fertiliser and two seed. 


Potential buyers have no need to worry about storage as the property has three machinery sheds, one workshop with concrete flooring, a double garage and a 40,000 litre Diesel tank. 


The 2,557 hectares Marooba mixed farming operation property is also located on the Nyngan Road, situated 48 kilometres west of Tottenham and 90 kilometres northwest of Condobolin, and is going for $6 million. 


Martin, Tanya, and Tim Hewitt have been farming 85 percent of the property for cereal and oilseed production for the past 10 years and are now looking to downsize. 

Marooba. Photo credit: MCC Chudleigh Dobell

The property is subdivided into nine farming paddocks and includes nine dams. 


It features a three-bedroom homestead built in 2005, with three stand shearing sheds, large machinery sheds and steel sheep yards. 


In total, there is 1,750 tonne grain storage available divided into a 1,000 tonne shed and three 250 tonne silos. 


MCC Chudleigh Dobell has listed the property since February. 


The NILOC property located on Bobadah Road, with a total of 2490 hectares, is listed for between $5.5 and $6 million by Scott Petersen from McGrath Rural. 


Greg and Heather Weber ran the mixed farming operation, located 45 kilometres west of Tottenham and 92 kilometres north of Nyngan, for the past 17 years. 

 NILOC. Photo Credit: McGrath Rural

Around 85 per cent of the country is arable. 


The property has a three-bedroom home and a two-bedroom cottage. 


Nineteen dams water the 17 paddocks. 


NILOC features 60 kilometres of new and nearly new fencing, 1,750 tonnes of grain storage, and a three-stand shearing shed.

"We've had a good inquiry and a number of inspections. One offer early on that wasn't quite we wanted it to be, but we're just going to keep going and hopefully find the right hire," McGarth Rural agent Scott Petersen said.