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Unearthing Hidden Treasures in the Western Plains

Western Plains App

Kristin Murdock

29 August 2023, 7:40 AM

Unearthing Hidden Treasures in the Western PlainsJessica Murray from Louth was recognised as one of regional NSW "hidden treasures" for her service to the community in 2022.

Lachlan Shire Council is just one LGA urging residents to unearth some "hidden treasures" in their community and nominate them for the upcoming honour roll.


"Since 2010, the NSW Government's Hidden Treasures Honour Roll has acknowledged over 1000 rural women for their tireless work and dedication to their communities," the council's social media pages said. "Hidden Treasures is a way to honour and say thanks to women who give their time and energy to help others."


Hidden Treasures acknowledges the important volunteer roles women play within NSW regional, rural and remote communities.


Since 2010, the Roll has recognised 1116 women. It is a way to thank female volunteers through a public tribute to recognise the vast number of women who give their time and energy to help others.

Women from the Western Plains have featured in almost every list since the awards inception - which would come as no surprise to most residents as volunteers are the lifeblood of every small community.


One of last year's recipients was Jessica Murray from Louth.


A teacher by trade but is not currently working due to being a mum and her remote location. She naturally has an interest in seeing children learn, grow, and develop.


According to the NSW Government's Hidden Treasure Honour Roll, "she has volunteered her time, energy and has taken the initiative to seek out and apply for various grant opportunities to purchase equipment for no less than three community spaces so that mums with children can gather.

"One space is in her local village of Louth so her son will take advantage of this equipment – but Jess also thought to apply for equipment on behalf of two other villages – Enngonia and Tilpa (after consultation to ensure appropriate equipment was purchased). The equipment to be utilised at the Enngonia CWA building was recently delivered and set up by Jess herself, a task made far more difficult by local flooding,"


Ms Murray said she appreciated the challenges that rural women face.


"Living remotely, our kids do not have the same opportunities those living in or close to a town have, and women are at significant disadvantage, being mostly unable to work due to distance from town and lack of childcare options," Ms Murray said


Earlier treasures

Previous local winners also include Cobar Cadets leader, Colleen Boucher who was added to the prestigious list in 2020. Ms Boucher has been involved in the local Cadets group since 1996. At the time of her award, she said she was a bit overwhelmed but said she felt a great sense of satisfaction to see cadets continue on and join the army or excel in other careers and areas of their life.


Roy Butler MP said Ms Boucher was a rural woman who selflessly volunteered her time to make her community a better place.


"She is a well deserved volunteer and hidden treasure," Mr Butler said at the time. "Colleen is also on many other committees in Cobar."


In the same year, and from the same area, Virginia Beard, operator of the Emmdale Roadhouse also named a worthy recipient of Hidden Treasure status.

Ms Beard was acknowledged in her fight for a reliable local water supply during the drought, after the Coonavitta Tank went dry. She also operated and maintained the local airstrip for the RFDS.


It was a good year for the Western Plains in 2017 when Jo-Louise Brown from Cobar, Margaret Gilligan from Brewarrina, Shirley Marks from Gilgandra, Julie Knight from Bourke and Veronica Chandler from Coonamble all received honours.


Nomination are now open for the next Hidden Treasure recipients, and it is as simple as completing a ten minute application.


"Now is your chance to nominate an extraordinary woman in your community," Lachlan Shire encourages.


We all know our region is filled with wonderful women who volunteer to the community, why not nominate one today?


Nominate here