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UPDATED: Residents increasingly isolated as more roads close

Western Plains App

01 November 2022, 3:44 AM

UPDATED: Residents increasingly isolated as more roads closeRivers and creeks are back on the rise across the region, cutting regional roads and some highways.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Walgett Shire Council has advised that the Castlereagh Highway north to Lightning Ridge is now CLOSED to all vehicles except emergency services and essential approved supply vehicles.

The town of Collarenebri is now officially isolated.

The closure of the Castlereagh Highway south of Walgett to Coonamble was closed to all vehicles earlier this afternoon.

More rain last night throughout the region, with falls of up to 78 millimetres reported in the east near Tooraweenah, has seen a series of further closures.

As of this afternoon Tuesday 1 November, all unsealed roads are CLOSED in the Walgett, Coonamble, Narromine, Warren, Brewarrina, Bourke and Gilgandra shires. Other shires urge motorists to check local closures before travelling.

The Kamilaroi Highway remains closed between Burren Junction and Wee Waa, between Walgett and Brewarrina, and Brewarrina to Bourke.

The community of Carinda is again officially isolated with both sealed roads - the Cumberdoon Way to Walgett and the Carinda to Warren Road - BOTH CLOSED within Walgett shire and Coonamble Shire Council announcing the closure of the Carinda to Coonamble and Carinda to Quambone Roads.

The sealed roads from Coonamble to Baradine, Pilliga and Warren are all CLOSED. For drivers in light vehicles, access to and from Coonamble is only available via the Castlereagh Highway between Coonamble and Gilgandra. 

In Lachlan shire, all unsealed roads have been closed to vehicles over three (3) tonne BVM until at least Thursday 3 November when conditions will be reviewed.

The Bogan Way (Tottenham Road) is CLOSED with flooding south of Pangee Road. The Cobar - Condobolin Road/Henry Parkes Way is CLOSED and impassable.

The Hermidale to Nymagee Road is OPEN to vehicles 4.5 tonne and under.

In Cobar shire the Barrier Highway is OPEN to both Nyngan and Wilcannia. The Kidman Way north towards Bourke is OPEN and the Kidman Way (South) is OPEN in Cobar shire but CLOSED to all traffic in Carrathool shire due to water over road at Wallanthery (Cobar side).

The Priory Tank Road to Nymagee is open to heavy vehicles only.

The Lachlan Valley Way between Euabalong – Murrin Bridge is CLOSED to all traffic and the Kiacatoo Road from Euabalong West - Condobolin is OPEN with some water over the road in Cobar Shire but CLOSED in Lachlan Shire. The detour in Lachlan shire is also CLOSED.

Around Narromine, The McGrane Way / Tullamore Road is CLOSED with only local traffic only permitted. Many roads are open with caution but drivers heading to Tullamore or Tomingley are urged to check before travelling.

Bourke shire's latest map shows their road conditions:

All motorists are advised to proceed with caution on all shire roads, and to please check road conditions before travelling.

Check our Weather/Reports page for local Road Conditions and Live Traffic NSW .