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Water restrictions raised to high in Tottenham and Albert

Western Plains App

Western Plains App

07 February 2025, 1:40 AM

Water restrictions raised to high in Tottenham and AlbertIMAGE: Angie White

Water restrictions has been raised from 'moderate' to 'high' for Tottenham, Albert and people along the B-Section Pipeline.


The new restrictions bar the use of watering systems, non fixed sprinklers and handheld hoses for watering lawns and residential gardens.


Lachlan Shire Council announced the new restrictions on due to "limited supply" from the pipeline and Leg O'Mutton Dam.


"Due to the hot weather, there's increased demand on water from this pipeline all the way from Forbes through Parkes Shire to Albert, which has decreased the flow," Lachlan Shire spokesperson said.


"So, conservation methods are required all the way along the pipeline, including in Tottenham and Albert.


"This is in line with Parkes Shire, which is also implementing level 3 restrictions for B-section pipeline users."

The Albert reservoir. IMAGE: NSW Government

The new level does not dramatically change what residents and businesses could do under level 2.


Residential lawns and gardens can still be watered every second day, as per the odds and evens system, between 6am to 9am and 6pm to 9pm, although only microsprays, drip systems and soaker hoses are allowed.


Under the system, if your street address number is odd, you can water on water on odd days. Likewise, even properties can water on even days.


Most non-residential water uses are also allowed, although only with a Water Saving Action Plan.


The council has full breakdown of restrictions on its website. The B-section pipeline originates in Forbes and passes through Trundle and Tullamore to Albert and serves consumers along its length.


The region’s drinking water supply comes from the Forbes Water Treatment Plant via a pipeline into the Albert reservoir where water is also gravity fed to the storage facility in Tottenham to service hundreds of residents in each town.


The council had declared level 2 restrictions on 4 January after Albert Reservoir dropped below 50 per cent capacity.