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$48000 raised for Hearts of Hope

Western Plains App

Angie White

28 March 2024, 6:40 AM

$48000 raised for Hearts of Hope Photos courtesy Life Charity Focus

A crowd of 270 people gathered in Nyngan recently for the Life Charity Focus Ball, where a whopping $48,000 was raised for the ‘Heart of Hope School’ in Uganda. 


Held in the grounds of the home of Jack and Dione Carter, those who attended played witness to music, a sit-down meal and speeches from the Carter family and guest of honour Moses Goire, who travelled from Uganda to attend the ball. 


The Carter family sponsored Moses as a child in Uganda and through their experiences on their sponsorship journey, Jack and Dione and Nyngan locals Michael and Janene Dutschke, decided to form Life Charity Focus in 2015, along with Moses, so they could assist all the other many children they had discovered needing help with education and living in Uganda.  


The Charity took on a life of its own, as in 2016 they built the Joy Blessed School in Budaka which currently has 1500 students as well as students who board, with more than 1000 sponsored by Australians (many from the Bogan Shire) and people from around the world.  


On a visit to the school, and a tour of the villages, many children with a range of disabilities from mild to severe were found in homes where parents and families lacked the skills and medical knowledge to care for them.  


It was then the Charity decided to build ‘Hearts of Hope’ in 2018, a special needs school that could give the kids a better life.  


Photos courtesy Life Charity Focus 

The ‘Hearts of Hope’ School is dedicated to creating opportunities for everyone. The school specialises in supporting children who may face challenges such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, deaf/mute conditions, Downs syndrome, varying limb deformities, and albinism. The Charity believes in offering these kids a brighter future, empowering them to pave their own unique paths. 


Anna Carter of Nyngan is currently spearheading the Charity, which is more than a full-time job, involving seeking out sponsors and assisting with anything the two schools need. For a young mum, this is no mean feat and a credit to her passion and dedication to the Charity. 


“We are blown away by the local support for our 2024 LCF Ball and even more so by the amount of money raised for the School. There is still construction going on at the school so these funds will help with that, as we continue to work hard for the kids to give them a good and happy childhood,” said Ms Carter. 


Many people travelled to Nyngan for the Ball, with a large percentage of them sponsors of children at the schools. An auction was held, and a huge array of donated items were sold to add to the charitable proceeds of the night with an amazing $26,355 raised.  


PHOTO: Anna Carter Life Charity Focus with Co-Founder Moses Goire