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Abattoir opening could bring Bourke back to life

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Laura Williams

26 March 2022, 8:40 PM

Abattoir opening could bring Bourke back to lifeThe abattoir closed in 2019, just five months after construction finished.

Bourke’s abattoir is preparing to fire up by the middle of this year, and the local community is eager for the boost. 

After the $60 million abattoir closed in 2019, just five months after its opening, the facility saw a shot at redemption with last year’s sale to global company Thomas Foods International (TFI). 

With TFI beginning the hiring process for the goat abattoir, Bourke Council General Manager Mark Riley said that the 120 positions available will create a boom in Bourke that hasn’t been there for a long time. 

“I think it could be a game changer in terms of the whole economy…it basically offers career paths for young people or people of any age,” Mr Riley said. 

With so many roles on the table, it’s unlikely that locals alone will be able to fill the gaps.

“We will need to bring more people in, that’s one of the challenges at the moment…as a community we’ll be happy to welcome those people with open arms,” Mr Riley said. 

While available housing in the town is already at an all time low - much like the rest of the region - the addition of more people into the community is both welcome and a concern. 

“The operators are certainly looking at how they might mitigate that, it’s something we’ve discussed with them on a regular basis,” he said. 

With a season of abundance, Mr Riley said that now more than ever, Bourke is ready to get the facility off the ground after a disappointing first attempt. 

“I think it’s fair to say that with the previous operators the timing was unfortunately wrong with the drought. The conditions out here now are very favourable, the number of goats in the region has incred phenomenally, and I think the timing is now perfect,” he said. 

More than just the local economy and community, Bourke is pinning hope that the employment opportunities could also offset criminal activity and disengaged youth. 

“They would get young people in casual employment at Fletcher’s abattoir (in Dubbo) and there was a great success. It had a very positive impact on those kids' lives, but also very much had an impact on the Dubbo community in terms of positivity and reduction in vandalism,” he said. 

“Hopefully we can look at those opportunities down the track.”

“TFI are very very large operators that come with an absolute wealth of experience and you see that when you sit down with them. We’re very confident that they’ll make this work which would be great for Bourke, and great for them,” Mr Riley said. 

The Bourke Abattoir is set to be open in mid-2022.