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Could cyber attacks cause blackouts this summer?

Western Plains App

Ailish Dwyer

17 January 2025, 8:40 PM

Could cyber attacks cause blackouts this summer?  Image sourced from pexels

With thunderstorms creating localised - and often repeated - power blackouts as they blow through the western plains, it's hard not to be aware of the vulnerability of the electricity grid in regional NSW.

While the majority of blackouts have been caused by high winds, lightning and an ageing grid system, there are also concerns that cyber-attacks could turn the lights off this summer.


'Cyber-attacks' are malicious digital attacks that find and exploit weaknesses in Australia's increasingly digitised grid system.

They can open the door to data corruption and even physical security breaches as CCTV cameras or smart locks fail, leading to significant financial strain for businesses and individuals.


But should regional residents and businesses be worried?  


Nigel Phair, Professor of Software Systems and Cybersecurity at Monash University, says cyber threats are real but they are not the most prominent issues affecting regional businesses.  


"Australian governments, businesses and civil society are under constant cyber-attack from a wide range of actors, who all have a range of motivations. That is not to say we should over-hype the situation.  


"However, I don’t see a cyber blackout as being the most pressing concern for organisations in their quest to be resilient and maintain ongoing business operations."  

A spokesperson from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) notes "most power outages are at a localised network level, that is transmission or distribution line maintenance and repair issues."  


The AEMO said load shedding or unserved energy events are rare, and they continually work with industry and governments to provide a reliable and secure energy supply right across the country.  

In the meantime, there are steps local businesses and households can take to minimise the damage done by power supply interruptions from any source.

These range from investing in surge protection devices protect appliances and equipment, to becoming more diligent about backing up data files offline or in cloud systems to prevent data loss during blackouts.