Angie White
22 February 2025, 6:40 AM
Bogan shire artist Deanna Banford will hold a hands-on textured landscape workshop in Nyngan in March in collaboration with the Aboriginal Regional Arts Alliance (NSW) and Create NSW following a successful grant application.
The emerging artist has taken on several projects in the district as her confidence in her artwork grows and is looking forward to guiding budding artists on their art journey.
Dee, as the residents of Nyngan Multipurpose Service know her, works as an activities officer, playing a pivotal role in the lives of the sick and permanent residents at the local hospital.
“Following on from a grant writing workshop hosted by Outback Arts, I connected with a lady called Pam, from the Aboriginal Regional Arts Alliance, and shared my art journey and how a history of dyslexia and being taken away from my family at an early ag, had removed me from my aboriginal culture and left me with a very low level of confidence, which I was working on by soaking up art," Deanna told the Western Plains News.
Artist Deanna Banford - Image supplied
"This passion has allowed me to express myself in a better way for me than through words.
“A reconnection with my mum’s side of the family and my aboriginal heritage has been a journey for me, and we bonded over this as I explained to her that art was always my safe outlet and how I am at the stage of my life where I want to share this love with the community."
Art work by Deanna Branford - Image supplied
An Art Therapy course at TAFE in 2024 gave Dee the courage to share more of her work in the hope that others could also find solace in art as well.
“For me art is not about painting a perfect pretty picture,” said Dee. “It is more about expressing how you feel, and as an artist I know how hard that can be.
“For others and me, I can see the therapeutic, emotional and mental health benefits in the self-expression of art and with the workshop we are running.
"I really want the participants to immerse themselves in nature and feel free to share what is on the inside to the world. Just relax, enjoy and show your true self."
To be held on 22 March by the Bogan River, all members of the community are welcome for a fee that covers all materials.
Dee is also running a ten-week art course for junior artists at 3CN Church, in the hope of teaching some basic art skills, honing in on technique and promoting self-expression without judgement.
“Passion brought together fosters passion and I find that once people feel confident to show their works others follow suit, I look forward to sharing the workshop and the ten-week course with all the keen artists.” said Dee.
Deanna Banford pictured with junior artists in Nyngan - Image supplied
The Aboriginal Regional Arts Alliance (NSW Aboriginal Corporation (NSW) is a 100% Aboriginal-owned and controlled organisation that was first established in 2019 by a passionate collective of Regional Aboriginal Artists and Arts Administrators from NSW.
“Our partner organisations allow us to connect with those living and working on Country as we connect with artists in community across various art forms. From professional musicians to community weaving teachers,” said a spokesperson from the Aboriginal Regional Arts Alliance
“As artists and arts workers across the state, we are embedded in arts and cultural activity happening in both grassroots community and advocating with government agencies."