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Gilgandra celebrates new school coach

Western Plains App

River McCrossen

23 May 2024, 7:40 AM

Gilgandra celebrates new school coachKindergarteners from classes Cookies and Smarties perform 'Wheels on the Bus' in Wiradjuri. PHOTO: Gilgandra Public School photographer

The Gilgandra community celebrated this morning the impending arrival of a new "state-of-the-art" coach at the local public school. 


The 25-seat coach was specially designed for the school of almost 200 students and includes tinted windows, mag wheels, a bull bar, a tow bar and wheelchair access.   


It was due in town from Wollongong around 10am, but has been delayed after the driver had heart issues on the way to Gilgandra and went to hospital.

It isn't yet certain when the bus will now arrive, although that didn't stop up to 50 people including students, parents and Gilgandra mayor Doug Batton coming out for a celebratory sizzle that morning.


The coach was sponsored under Variety Children's Charity's Sunshine Coaches Grants, which were open to NSW and ACT education organisations supporting 0-18-year-olds with a disability, chronic illness, financial hardship or geographic isolation. 


Gilgandra Public School Principal, Michael Darcy, said the coach was built from scratch to the tune of almost $230,000. The school contributed $15,000 and Variety paid the rest. 


"It'll provide opportunities for us to do cultural experiences on country here, it'll allow us to participate in sporting opportunities with other schools where we all travel together. It'll allow us to go on excursions relating to curriculum," Mr Darcy said. 


"Really looking forward to the collective difference it can make for the children." 

Kindergarteners from classes Cookies and Smarties perform 'Wheels on the Bus' in Wiradjuri (Supplied)

Mr Darcy says the school previously relied on community organisations like the local Returned Services League (RSL) to lend transport. 


"However, they're only small buses, and we would have to rely on our parents, who are great, who always support us," Mr Darcy said. 


"We'd take small buses and cars to make sure our children never missed out, but this just meant we can all travel together. We'll be turning up in a state-of-the-art bus, which will be promoting our school." 

Gilgandra mayor Doug Batten, Variety's Head of Kids Support Liz Gearing and GPS Assistant Principals Catherine Dunn and Rebecca Rogers at the celebration. PHOTO: Gilgandra Public School photographer 

 Variety NSW/ACT CEO, Tony Warner, said the program is part of the charity's effort to give children equal opportunities. 


“Variety Sunshine Coaches provide transport for children to access their community and experience a range of special programs and activities they would be otherwise unable to attend,” Mr Warner said. 


“Since Variety Australia was founded in 1975, the Variety Sunshine Coach program has granted over 1300 coaches to schools and community organisations across the country.”