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Nyngan flooding "not too dramatic"

Western Plains App

Angie White

20 July 2022, 9:05 PM

Nyngan flooding "not too dramatic"Golfers in Nyngan will need a kayak to reach some sections of the course. PHOTO courtesy Nyngan Golf Club.

The Bogan River in Nyngan, is currently sitting at 3.57 and steady with moderate flooding continuing in the Shire. 


According to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), flooding is easing upstream of Nyngan, with the river at Mudall steady at 2.96, Duck Creek at Napali 1.95 and steady, while at Dandaloo it is sitting at 2.94 and steady.  


The main flood peak along the Bogan River is now approaching Nyngan, where moderate flooding continues.  


Floodwater has inundated low lying camping areas of Riverside Caravan Park, Jack Hargreaves Park, parts of Rotary Park and the nature walk and Nyngan Golf Course.  


Bogan Shire Mayor Glen Neill told the Western Plains App that the current situation is not unusual for this time of year. 


“The water we have now was at Peak Hill a few weeks ago. The flooding isn’t too dramatic and shouldn’t pose too much of a risk to our community,” says Bogan Shire Council Mayor Glenn Neill. 


“Things would change if we got 100mm of rain along the catchment on top of what we have now, but that doesn’t seem likely,” he said.  


Residents and travellers are still being urged to exercise caution. 


The following roads may be impacted by flood water: 

  •  Temples Lane  


  •   Mundaroo Road at the Box Cowal causeway  


  •   Moonagee Road at the end of the sealed section approximately 12kms north of Nyngan.  


  • West Bogan Road (3km north of the Mitchell Highway).  

PHOTO courtesy Nyngan Riverside Caravan Park.




• The Bogan River at Mulgawarrina may reach the moderate flood level (5.00 metres) during Friday.  

• The river level may peak near 5.20 metres during Saturday, with moderate flooding.  


Land holders are advised to consider relocating or removing stock and pumps from low-lying areas adjacent to the river.  

PHOTO courtesy Nyngan Riverside Caravan Park.


What you need to do 


• STAY INFORMED - Be prepared to act if your situation changes.  


• Stay up to date with information. Listen to flood warnings and follow advice on how to protect yourself, family, and property.  


• People working or camping along the Bogan River should monitor river heights and be prepared to relocate to higher ground.  

• Farmers and landholders are advised to relocate livestock, pumps, chemicals and equipment to higher ground.  


• Travelling on flooded roads is extremely dangerous and should be avoided. Road conditions can change without warning and motorists should reconsider travel plans in areas impacted by flooding.  


• Never drive, walk or play in floodwaters. Floodwater may be deep, fast flowing and may contain hidden snags and debris.  


For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500.  


In life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately.