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Nyngan's Ag Expo - back and blessed by the weather

Western Plains App

Angie White

09 August 2022, 10:12 AM

Nyngan's Ag Expo - back and blessed by the weather30 years on and thousands of people are putting the Nyngan Ag Expo on their to-do list.

Despite rain in the lead up to the 2022 Nyngan Ag Expo, nothing could dampen the spirits of the organisers and attendees who came through the gates for the 30th Anniversary of the Expo.


With over 150 exhibitors in a wide range of services, with both large and small businesses, the Expo saw a crowd of 3500 people soaking up the sunshine at Nyngan Showgrounds.


Demonstrations, fashion parade, sheep dog trials, Sports Shear shearing competition, displays, cattle, sheep and goat exhibitors, old cars and Utes, fantastic food and loads of big farm machinery, meant an attraction for every interest.


Visitors and Exhibitors travelled from all over Australia to attend the event which has gone from strength to strength since its humble beginnings.


The idea for the Agricultural Expo was conceived after a night around a campfire at a Sheep Dog Trial at Nyngan 31 years ago and now the event has become part of the annual calendar in the town, bringing in thousands of dollars for the local economy via food, fuel, and accommodation.


The Expo Committee selected three awards throughout the day including: Best Overall Exhibitor – Saltbush Baby, Most Innovative Exhibitor – Shearwell Australia and Most Educational Exhibitor – Royal Flying Doctor Service, whose innovative exhibition gave an insight into its life saving work throughout Australia.


Bridgette Mackay of Cobar took to Facebook saying, “My Grandchildren loved the Royal Flying Doctor exhibit. It was so great they were able to explore inside and the gentleman in attendance was very helpful to the kids.”


Run in conjunction with the Ag event was the Australian Utility Sheep Dog Championships which gave Expo goers exposure to the finer points of sheep dog trialling.


Danny Kerr from Sydney took out the Championships, although Nyngan locals gave the competition a good crack with Gary White placing 2nd and 6th in the Championships, 1st in the Improver and 4th in the Novice, as well as taking out Champion of Champions award, while Dave Motley also of Nyngan received 1st place in the Novice Event and Nicole Henry of Dubbo placed third in the Nursery.


The Sheep Shear competition was a popular spot as crowds gathered to watch the shearers fly through the work.

The Novice section was awarded to Blake Duff, Intermediate to Simon Doyle, Senior to Tim McKenzie and Open to James Russell. The organisers of this event paid homage to all supporters and volunteers for their help which enables such events to take place.

Placegetters in the Open Shearing competition.


‘Dusty Downs’ made the trip in from Hermidale to set up their exhibit and co-owner Narelle Spears was thrilled with the day. “We really enjoyed the day at Nyngan Ag Expo. A constant flow of people coming through, and good engagement resulted in a high number of enquiries coming from the day,” said Mrs. Spears.


“We had a selection of red black and standard bucks and does, stud white dorper ewes with lambs and stud Rams and our white composite ewes and rams. We were happy with the day and are looking forward to next years event,” according to Mrs. Spears.


Another popular stopping spot at the Expo was the ‘Show and Shine’ – Vintage Car and Bike display with enthusiasts milling around talking engines and admiring the work of the owners.

Grant Howell of Forbes was happy to take out ‘The People’s Choice Award” with his gorgeous green remodelled E H Holden.

Grant's green machine took out the People's Choice.


Marina Kennedy of ‘Little Canonbar Creations’, was thrilled with her first ever gig at the event. “As a long-time visitor to the Nyngan Ag Expo (my son was born the day after I walked around Ag Expo 19 years ago) and now a first-time exhibitor, I found it to be such a great day with many people coming to checkout my earring collections or just to pop in and say hello,” said Mrs. Kennedy.


“As a newby to all this I was worried about all the little things, Have I under catered or over catered, will they buy from my little business? but at the end of the day I was very happy, and it was so good catching up with people I hadn’t seen in ages and meeting new people who stopped at my stall.”


 “I have an affinity with Nyngan growing up here and now I live with my family at Canonbar Station, and it made sense to name my business after our property,” she said. “I am looking forward to being an exhibitor again next year.”


Local Celebrity entertainer Royden Donohoe entertained a captive audience in the Food and Wine tent, which was kept busy throughout the day with hungry, thirsty patrons.


The Expo was not without its celebrity visitors with Politicians Paul Toole MP, Deputy Premier of NSW, Minister for Police and Regional NSW – Mark Coulton MP, Federal Member for Parkes – Scott Barrett MLC for Barwon Electorate speaking to locals and visitors throughout the morning about rural and regional concerns and issues.

Deputy Premier Paul Toole chats with Nyngan local Phil Gibson.


There was something for everyone to see and do at this year’s event.


“The weather was kind to us”, said Nyngan Ag Expo President Rob Avard. “With over 3000 people passing through the gates. Our major sponsors were impressed with the crowd size and are all sure they will return next year,” he said.


“Ag Expo committee are very pleased with the outcome of the day and would like to particularly thank Bogan Shire Council and the Nyngan Community for their help and support – we could not hold the day without their valued assistance.”

Henry Hotham enjoying the Expo.

Toys for boys of all ages.

Lyn Webster modelling at Nyngan Ag Expo