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Quarter million for new Walgett pool

Western Plains App

River McCrossen

28 June 2024, 3:40 AM

Quarter million for new Walgett poolWalgett mayor Jasen Ramien said the old pool is past it's use-by date

Walgett will receive $250 000 from the NSW government for planning and design work to replace it's aged Memorial Swimming Pool.


NSW Minister for Sport Steve Kamper announced the funding in the towns this morning, which Council will put towards site assessment, options development, feasibility and business and funding planning for the new facility.


Walgett Shire expects planning and design, including community consolation, to take 18 months.

“Swimming pools in regional NSW are like an oasis that bring communities together," Minister Kamper said.


“Walgett Memorial Pool is a great example of this and the groups that use the pool for fun, fitness and water safety, including Walgett Swimming Club, Walgett Learn to Swim and Walgett Water Safety can testify to the sense of community it creates."

Council will seek further funding for development once design and planning works are completed.


Despite securing $375 000 last year to temporarily fix the old pool, built in the 1960s, Walgett mayor Jasen Ramien said it was beyond repair.


"Because of the reactive soil, the pool does move a lot. It's cracking and it's got a lot of water underneath it at the moment," Ramien said.


"It was losing roughly 100,000 litres of water a day. That's been rectified, it's been patched up, but the pool is past it's use-by date. It's beyond repairable and there needs to be a new pool."

Community leaders say the pool brings members together. IMAGE: Walgett Swimming Club

Council resolved to decommission the pool in July last year over issues costing around $1.7 million to temporarily fix, including leaks and a failing sand filtration system.


Council reversed the decision the next month, opting to pursue money for repairs, which were completed for the pool to reopen on 27 December 2023.


Cr Ramien said the old pool facility is on the table as a site for the new one.


"We'll work closely with the community, but I think that site's got a fair bit of sentimental value," Cr Ramien said.


"We've definitely got to have a lot of community consulting between now and then, but what I'm hearing is that they want a 50m olympic pool like what's there at present. And, obviously, a much more updated one.


"Because of the type of soil we're in, I imagine the foundations would be a lot different to something that's built, say, in Sydney. We do have a very reactive soil in this area."

 Cr Ramien joined Minister Kamper alongside Council General Manager Megan Dixon, state Barwon MP Roy Butler and local swimmers at the pool.


President of the Walgett Amateur Swim Club, Kate Murray, said the pool is a social beacon for the community.


"The Walgett Swimming Pool brings together our whole community over an entire six months of the year. It is the beating heart over the warmer months, providing a welcome space for fun, laughter and connection," Ms Murray said.


“Importantly, it also provides the opportunity for the ongoing training of survival and swimming techniques for the children of our region, which is so essential in the country we live in.”


Mr Butler said the announcement was great news for Walgett.


"The announcement of the $250,000 for Walgett Memorial Swimming Pool is an acknowledgement by the NSW government of the importance of pools in regional communities," Mr Butler said.


“More than just infrastructure, pools provide an environment that helps to build cohesive and social networks. They also offer the added benefits of fitness, safety, and relief from very high summer temperatures. The community of Walgett and I welcome this news."