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Taking the mystery out of carbon farming

Western Plains App

Kristin Murdock

28 June 2024, 9:40 PM

Taking the mystery out of carbon farmingFree workshops in Coonamble and Armatree will help farmers understand how building soil carbon can help the environment, and their bottom line.

Building soil carbon is not only of benefit to a farmer’s cropping land but can also boost the business’s bottom line.

It’s a complex subject though, and there is plenty of misinformation out there. Heading along to a free information workshop means you have nothing to lose and plenty of knowledge to gain.

In fact, at two upcoming workshops, you won’t only learn a lot, but get a free hot breakfast into the bargain!

Heading out from Dubbo next week, David Ward, the Territory Manager of Loam Bio, a fast-growing company that works at the intersection of agriculture, microbial science, and climate said the aim of the meetings was to talk about all things carbon and to help separate fact from fiction.

“We want to make it easier for farmers to capture carbon from the atmosphere and store it stably in agricultural soils - increasing the productivity and resilience of their farming systems, and also play a critical role to stop climate change,” Mr Ward said.

“There are genuine cropping options now in the soil carbon space, because of the new seed treatment technology that Loam has developed.

"It’s a game changer, as before it was only ever available in timber or forestry and grazing perennial grasses.”

Senior agronomist David Ward

Mr Ward said the workshops would be the first exposure to carbon farming for a lot of people.

"It is about myth busting a little bit and understanding the opportunities that are potentially out there," Mr Ward said.

"It's not just about the soil health benefits that come from the seed treatment, but also the potential cash flow opportunities that come from generating your own carbon credits or ACCUs.”

Australian Carbon Credit Units, known as ACCUs are a financial instrument awarded to eligible energy efficiency, renewable energy generation and carbon sequestration projects that result in a reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions.

Each ACCU represents one tonne of carbon dioxide that is abated through an eligible offsets project.

ACCUs are generated by landholders and businesses who carry out various activities across the economy that reduce, store of avoid emissions.

From the lab - to a paddock near you. The latest technology is now available for western croppers. IMAGE: Loam Bio

Mr Ward said one aim of the workshops was to learn about CarbonBuilder; a world-first carbon-fixing microbial furrow treatment for wheat, barley, and canola crops.

“The Loam seed treatment supercharges the ability to cycle carbon in the soil organic matter that could only previously be done in long-term, perennial grass rotations,” he said.

"Once farmers attach the seed treatment, we can enter into a Carbon Project with the farmer, which is like a share farming agreement. We cover all the costs, and then we share in the ACCUs generated over the next 25 years."

People attending the workshops will gain an understanding about the buzz around soil carbon, determine if a soil carbon project suits their operation and explore joining a high-performing Second Crop soil carbon project with Loam Bio.

The meetings will be held on July 2nd at 7.30am at the Armatree Hotel and on July 3rd at 7.30am at Two Birds Café in Coonamble. Free hot breakfast, tea and coffee is provided.

Confirm your attendance at the workshop by reserving a ticket to this FREE event by heading to Humanitix or contact David Ward on 0427 919 572 or [email protected]