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Teenager bitten by snake at Warren

Western Plains App

28 February 2023, 2:40 AM

Teenager bitten by snake at WarrenThe red-bellied black snake is not uncommon in this area.

NSW Ambulance have advised that is responding to a patient bitten by what is suspected to be a red-bellied black snake.

Paramedics were called at about 11.10am today (Tuesday 28 February) to an address on the Quambone Road approximately 20kilometres out of Warren.

A teenager is reported to have sustained a bite to their leg.

Further information will be provided as it comes to hand.

According to the Australian Museum the Red-Bellied Black Snake is "probably the least dangerous venomous snake in Australia."

Despite the number of bites received every year, very few human deaths have resulted. Many bite victims experience only mild or negligible symptoms, however a number also end up hospitalized."

If a patient has been 'envenomed' symptoms include bleeding and/or swelling at the bite site, nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, sweating, local or general muscle pain and weakness.

Urine may become red-brown due to myoglobin being released from damaged muscle tissue.