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The return of the Warren Bulldogs

Western Plains App

Lily Plass

06 December 2024, 1:40 AM

The return of the Warren BulldogsCastlereagh League secretary Bryson Luff, Warren Bulldogs President Brett Brouff, and Castlereagh board member Peter Hazelton. Photo: supplied.

The Warren Bull Dog's men's and women's League Tag team are making a comeback in the Castlereagh Rugby League competition next year after eight years off the field. 


At the Castlereagh League AGM in Gilgandra on 24 November, members voted unanimously to welcome the Bulldogs back to the competition bumping the number of teams up to 11. 


The plans were set in motion on 19 June when 56 community members turned up at the local golf club to speak in favour of bringing the senior tag team back. 


“They all said they’d help us out, engage everyone to help with the ground preparation, the canteen, do all the support jobs you need. Our army of volunteers basically," President of the Warren Bulldogs Brett Brouff said. 


"Since we've had our junior for quite a lot of years, they have stayed in town and have now got jobs in the area," Mr Brouff said.


"We got a committee going and everything went from there."


Twenty-three players have signed up for the men's first grade and 18 for the women's first grade. 


"There's real excitement in town. It's got our little town buzzing that's for sure," Mr Brouff said. 


The senior League Tag team disappeared eight years ago due to a lack of personnel.


"We couldn't get the players, people left town and the senior club just fell apart," Mr Brouff said. 


"It just completes our club once again and we're all really looking forward next year to when the Castlereagh League kicks off on 26 April." 


The pre-season knockouts will be held in Warren at the Victoria Oval on 12 April to get the club back up and running.

Vice President Adam Pascoe with children Lexi, Marley, and Jimmy, 2025 Bulldogs players Harry Hammond and Braith Boyd, and Warren Sporting & Cultural Complex Manager Wes Hamilton with children Lainey and Tanner. Photo: Amanda Brien