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Two arrested in Coonamble firearm check

Western Plains App

28 May 2024, 6:02 AM

Two arrested in Coonamble firearm check

Two men were in court today after being arrested in Coonamble yesterday during a police firearm check.


Officers came to a house in Castlereagh Street at about 7am on 27 May to carry out a firearm prohibition compliance check.

"While lawfully on the premises, police arrested the occupants, a 24-year-old man and a 37-year-old man," a police spokesperson said.


"They were both taken to Coonamble Police Station."


The younger man was charged with offences including aggravated theft from a dwelling, domestic violence intimidation, possessing a knife in a public place and possessing a prohibited drug.


The older man had outstanding warrants and was charged with property offences.


Both were refused bail to appear at Dubbo Local Court today.