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Warrumbungle support drivers honoured at regional awards

Western Plains App

River McCrossen

06 October 2024, 1:40 AM

Warrumbungle support drivers honoured at regional awardsWarrumbungle Shire Council Mayor Kathryn Rindfleish, Acting Director of Corporate and Community Services Ngaire Stevens, Warrumbungle Community Care Coordinators Jillisa Harris and Taylor Curtis, and state Dubbo MP Dugald Saunders.

Support drivers from Warrumbungle Shire Council's Community Care program were awarded the Orana Volunteer Team of the Year at the NSW Volunteer of the Year Awards in Dubbo on 1 October.


The team will be invited to represent the region in the category for The Centre for Volunteering's Gala State Ceremony in Sydney on 10 December, where the state winner will be announced.

The Community Transport Volunteers, who number about 28 drivers, support elderly and disabled residents across the shire with tasks like trips for shopping, hair and medical appointments. 



"It's vital. For a lot of our residents in the shire, and especially the elderly, who are transport-disadvantaged, they may not have relatives living nearby- and there's no public transport," said Ngaire Stevens, the council's Acting Director of Corporate and Community Services .


"We also run Meals on Wheels, social support services and respite services, so all those together are helping people stay independent in their own homes for longer.


"Our volunteers are a very big part of what we do with our community care and it's lovely that they've been honoured."

The volunteers maintain quality of life for elderly residents by keeping them in their homes. PHOTO: Western Plains App/ River McCrossen


The drivers serve a 12,500-square-kilometre area covering Coonabarabran, Coolah, Baradine, Binnaway, Mendooren and Dunedoo, along with smaller villages in the shire.


Not all the drivers could attend the awards at Dubbo RSL given a limit on ticket numbers, so Ms Stevens said a separate celebration will be held.


Merrigal mechanic Anton Dieck also collected Orana Young Volunteer of the Year for his service with the Gilgandra SES.


He joined the unit as a 16-year-old in May 2022, where he has responded to call-outs during storms, road crashes and other incidents.


The win were broken to him by a call from a superior. "I was like 'gosh, getting a call from a deputy zone commander, I must be in big trouble.'"

The 18-year-old has completed qualifications including Flood Boat Crew Member, Flood Rescue Awareness, Industrial and Domestic Rescue and Road Crash Rescue.


“These awards recognise the exceptional effort of volunteers across the Orana region, The Centre for Volunteering CEO Gemma Rygate said.


"Whether it’s in the local sports club, in health care, education and cultural centres, legal support or emergency response, volunteers are essential for the ongoing health and viability of local communities.


“It’s important for volunteers across the region to know that their commitment is recognised and valued.”