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Water restrictions continue for Tottenham and Albert

Western Plains App

Angie White

15 January 2025, 8:40 PM

Water restrictions continue for Tottenham and Albert Image Lachlan Shire Council

Level 2 water restrictions remain in place for Tottenham, Albert and rural water users connected to the B-section pipeline despite recent rains around the region.

According to Lachlan Shire Council the restrictions are a result of low water supply in the Albert and Leg O’ Mutton water reserves.

The restrictions commenced on January 4, after Albert Reservoir dropped below 50 per cent capacity.

Limiting water use is common in hot weather when demand outstrips the capacity of the pipe to deliver water.

The B-section pipeline originates in Forbes and passes through Trundle and Tullamore to Albert and serves consumers along its length.

Albert Reservoir - Image courtesy Lachlan Shire Council

The region’s drinking water supply comes from the Forbes Water Treatment Plant via a pipeline into the Albert reservoir where water is also gravity fed to the storage facility in Tottenham to service hundreds of residents in each town.


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Image Angie White

The Leg O’ Mutton Dam is currently undergoing upgrades to boost the region's drought resilience, with work expected to finish in July 2025.

Despite evaporation due to the warmer weather and high-water demand, Tottenham Water Treatment Plant is still in operation, although it is hoped that summer rainfalls will assist with refilling the waterways.

Level two water restrictions require watering of lawns and gardens every second day under the odds and evens system.

During daylight saving time, properties with even street numbers can water on even days in the mornings between 6am and 9am, and in the evenings between 6pm and 9pm only.

Properties with odd numbers are permitted to water on odd days.

Image Angie White

“We are unsure how long the restrictions will remain in place,” according to a Lachlan Shire spokesperson.

“Typically, it is until demand drops and the pipeline is able to cope with the demand of consumers,” she said.

Despite recent rains the restrictions will remain in place.

“After years of living with drought, we are well used to water restrictions,” said a local Tottenham resident. “It’s very hard to keep gardens alive in the bush, but if it’s what we have to do then so be it.”

Residents with questions or concerns regarding the restrictions should contact Council’s Infrastructure Services Department on 02 6895 1900.