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Western Plains women recognised on Hidden Treasures Honour Roll

Western Plains App

Lily Plass

08 June 2024, 7:40 AM

Western Plains women recognised on Hidden Treasures Honour Roll Kimberley Roach and Jayde Byrne from the Gilgandra Rural Fire Service are both on the Hidden Treasurers Honour Roll

Ninety-one volunteer women from regional, rural, and remote NSW communities have been officially recognised on the 2023 Hidden Treasurers Honour Roll.

This year's roll was unveiled during Volunteer's Week 2024 on 23 May in Wagga Wagga. 


This year seven women from western plains communities were among those who received the award.


The NSW government created the Hidden Treasures Roll in 2010 to put the spotlight on women working in volunteer roles.

Since then, 1,116 women have been recognised through the award. 

The winners are nominated by their peers, friends, or volunteer organisation to be included in the honour roll. 


Jayde Byrne, Gilgandra 

 Ms Byrne has been part of the Gilgandra Rural Fire Bridge since graduating from the secondary school cadets' program in 2016.

She has been responding to emergency calls since the age of 16. 


Ms Byrne participated twice in the NSW Rural Fire Service State Championships in 2016 and 2018. She has handled various emergencies, such as floods, bushfires, and grassfires. 


 Sally Evertt, Narromine

 Ms Evertt has been a passionate member of the Narromine Support Group. She is also a staunch advocate for melanoma awareness, especially since her father passed away from skin cancer in 2022, raising tens of thousands of dollars for the charity Mission Melanoma - Doing it for Lionel. 

Sally Evertt, Narromine. IMAGE: NSW Nationals


Ms Evertt was also voted Narromine Citizen of the Year 2023.


Nancy Hoare, Collarenebri 

Ms Hoare is a familiar face at nearly every organisation in Collarenebri. She has volunteered at clubs, including but not limited to the football club, swimming club, pony club, Collarenebri SES, and Collarenebri Central School P&C. 


Barbara Moritz, Lightning Ridge

 Ms Moritz has been part of the Lightning Ridge Historical Society for over 30 years helping preserve artifacts, literature, photos, and buildings of the mining town. She also volunteers two days a week at the Australian Opal Centre. 

 Barbara Moritz, Lightning Ridge. IMAGE: Mark Coulton MP

Anne Quarmby, Nyngan 

 Despite being in her 80s, Ms Quarmby volunteers weekly at the Nyngan Museum's Visitor's Information Centre and has dedicated many hours to Meals on Wheels. She is also an avid organ player at the Uniting Church. 


Kimberley Roach, Gilgandra 

Ms Roach is an active member of the NSW Rural Fire Service rushing to emergencies, including structure fires, grassfires, bush fires, and floods. She has held roles including Deputy Captain, Senior Deputy Captain, Secretary, and Treasurer. 

LALC Chair - Diane Smith

Diane Smith, Trangie. IMAGE: Trangie Local Aboriginal Land Council

Dianne Smith, Trangie

Ms Smith spends nearly every weekend at the Wungunja Cultural Centre helping out visitors with getting around and providing information. She is also chair of the Trangie Local Aboriginal Land Council. She is a pillar of the local Indigenous community and is always ready to offer a helping hand.

Nominations for the 2024 Hidden Treasurers Honour Roll are now open.