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Baradine grant for solar solution

Western Plains App

Liz Cutts

22 October 2022, 2:20 AM

Baradine grant for solar solution Baradine Aged Care committee members, Paul Wangmann with installer Jake Daniels (Phase Energy) and Roy Matthews.

BARADINE Aged Care committee has received funding to install twenty-five solar panels on the town’s medical centre.

The not-for-profit group, who run and operate the Baradine doctor’s surgery facilities has been granted $4,000 as part of the ARTC Inland Rail sponsorships and donations program for the upgrade project.

Over the years the community has found it difficult to ensure access to a local doctor.

The Baradine Aged Care Committee has been responsible for the fundraising that provides the doctor with a four-bedroom brick home and modern surgery. 

Ongoing fundraising pays for the establishment, upgrade, and maintenance of these facilities.

“Baradine has an ageing population and health services are limited, with the nearest major hospital being more than a two-hour drive away in Dubbo,” said a spokesperson for the ARTC. 

“These medical facilities are essential in securing and keeping a doctor in the town and upgrades are vital.  The installation of solar panels on the premises will help to reduce operational costs and play a role in keeping local medical services functioning.

“Inland Rail continues to offer funding of between $1,000 to $4,000 for individuals and organisations in regional areas along the Inland Rail route that contribute to local and regional prosperity, well-being and sustainability.” 

Baradine Aged Care says it is pleased with the success of the funding application.

“It is imperative that we do all we can to keep a doctor in our town, but to do this we have to continue to maintain and upgrade the health service infrastructure,” said Paul Wangmann, Baradine Aged Care committee chair. 

“We are delighted to be able to reduce the medical centre operating costs with this sustainable solar solution and we thank ARTC Inland Rail for their much-appreciated assistance.”