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Coonamble 'explosives' identified as paintball vest

Western Plains App

River McCrossen

23 August 2024, 2:40 AM

Coonamble 'explosives' identified as paintball vestA fire truck on Railway Street on Thursday 22 August. PHOTO: River McCrossen

Police have declared a home in Coonamble safe following a bomb scare over what turned out to be a vest used for paintball.

Tape restricting traffic at the intersections between McMahon and Railway streets was lifted on yesterday afternoon, although the Western Plains App observed two police vehicles still outside the property at around 6:45pm yesterday.

"The home on McMahon Street, Coonamble, has been deemed safe following a police operation and inquiries are being made into a vest that is utilised as a paintball/airsoft vest," a police spokesperson said. 

Emergency services were called to the property at yesterday morning after a man found what appeared to be a tactical vest with plastic tubes in the container. 

The owner of the property told the Western Plains App he went to investigate when he noticed the container was welded shut. 

The paintball/airsoft vest which sparked a bomb scare in Coonamble. IMAGE: supplied

"That’s what peaked my curiosity," he said. 

"You don't weld a shipping container unless you're hiding something.

"I cut it open with an angle grinder."

A precautionary exclusion zone was set up and specialist officers attended the site, although a spokesperson was unable to confirm whether a specialist Rescue & Bomb Disposal Unit had been called in.