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Tottenham benefits from paramedic boost

Western Plains App

River McCrossen

07 September 2024, 2:30 PM

Tottenham benefits from paramedic boostParamedic David Berneschi came to Tottenham with partner Maddy Hayward and began his first shift in July. PHOTO: supplied

Tottenham's ambulance service is better serving the town with the arrival of three new paramedics this year as part of a statewide program.


The NSW Government confirmed in the last week that they are among 125 paramedics now working across NSW under an election commitment to boost the regional workforce by 500 over four years.


The first cohort have also joined stations counting Parkes, Lithgow, Bathurst and Port Macquarie, funded under the $1.76 billion Strategic Workforce and Infrastructure Team (SWIFT) program.


Tottenham Rural Fire Service (RFS) member George Greig said the extra paramedics, who began work in June, mean they won't have to call for backup from RFS volunteers. 


"We used to support the ambulances if they needed help. They'd send us a text message and we'd go and assist, but that now is not the case," Mr Greig said.


"The reason that was happening, and we were quite happy to do that, was that if they got to a patient that was heavy or they got to a patient they needed to treat while we would drive the ambulance."


Tottenham previously had one paramedic serving the town, which according to the 2021 Australian Census holds around 450 people.


Zone Manager for NSW Ambulance's Central and Far West regions, Superintendent Ben Loiacono, said the extra paramedics increase response times.


"Now we're able to have a duel-paramedic response, so two paramedics on the vehicle, in line with all of the other stations across NSW," Superintendent Loiacono said.


"These are obviously staffed with two highly trained paramedics allocated to every shift to provide that high level of care for Tottenham and surrounds." 


The Government said future locations for extra paramedics will be chosen through consultation between NSW Ambulance, the Health Services Union, local communities and health staff about area needs and resourcing.


“The addition of these highly skilled paramedics in the bush will help drive better health outcomes for patients and their families, while also providing more support to our current NSW Ambulance staff across the state," Minister for Regional Health Ryan Park said.